Home Utilize useful functionsPrinting on Banner Paper

Utilize useful functions

Printing on Banner Paper

Banner Tray Unit MK-740 (feeding extension tray, output extension tray) allows you to print on banner paper.

Sizes and weights of the banner paper that can be used are as follows.

  • Banner paper size: Widthwise 100 mm to 330.2 mm, Lengthwise 487.8 mm to 1200 mm / Widthwise 3.94" to 13", Lengthwise 19.2" to 47.24" *
    *Banner paper of 279 mm / 10.98" or narrower in width may not be correctly printed depending on the paper type or environment.

  • Banner paper weight: 128 g/m2 to 256 g/m2 / 34 lb Bond to 68 lb Bond

The following shows an example of paper size for Width (Widthwise) 330.2mm / Width (Widthwise) 13", Height (Lengthwise) 1200.0mm/Height (Lengthwise) 47.24".

•Intended Environment

Operating system

Windows 7


Adobe Acrobat X Pro

Printer driver

PS Plug-in Driver

Image Controller

Image Controller IC-602

Feeding option

Multi Bypass Tray MB-506

Output Option

Output Tray OT-502, Finisher FS-531, or Finisher FS-612

Feeding/Output option

Banner Tray Unit MK-740

* The sample screen may be different from the actual display depending on your system environment and application version/revision.
