Select a Recipient from the Phone Book

You can quickly select a PC-Fax recipient from the Phone Book being controlled on your PC.

preconditionThe recipient registration is required in advance. For details on how to register it, refer to [Register recipients in the Phone Book] .

  1. From the [FAX Transmission Popup] screen, select [Add From Phone Book...].

  2. Select [Personal List] or [Group] from the list on the left side of the Phone Book, and display the desired recipient in the [Personal Information] list.

    supplementary explanationWhen you click [Search...], you can use a conditional search. The search results are displayed in the [Personal Information] list. For details, refer to [Search for destination] .

  3. Select a recipient name from the [Personal Information] list, then click [Add Recipients].

    supplementary explanationYou can register up to 100 recipients.

    supplementary explanationTo cancel a recipient, select it, then click [Delete].

    supplementary explanationIf the recipient is already registered in a Group, select the group name, then click [Add Recipients]. All members are added to the [Recipient List].

  4. Click [OK].

    The screen returns to the [FAX Transmission Popup] screen.