To specify the original size for scanning ([Scan Size])
To specify the resolution to scan the original ([Resolution])
To scan a 2-sided original ([Simplex/Duplex])
To collectively scan originals of different sizes using the ADF ([Mixed Original])
To scan an original that is thinner than plain paper using the ADF ([Thin Paper Original])
To scan originals with folds using the ADF ([Z-Folded Original])
To scan a long original that cannot be loaded on the original glass ([Long Original])
To specify the original loading direction ([Original Direction])
To display a top-binding and double-sided original correctly without reversing an image in the vertical direction ([Binding Position])
To scan an original using the ADF while removing dust on the slit glass ([Despeckle])
To prevent pages of the original from being multiplexed when scanning the original on the ADF ([Multi-Feed Detection])
To scan a number of originals as a single job ([Separate Scan])
To automatically adjust to the appropriate image quality for the contents of the original ([Original Type])
To adjust the density to scan the original ([Density])
To adjust the background density of the original for scanning ([Bkgd.Removal])
To add a TX stamp, which certifies that the original has been scanned, to a scanned original ([TX Stamp])
To erase text and shadows in the margins of an original before scanning ([Frame Erase])
To sharpen the border between text, etc. ([Sharpness])
To simultaneously send and print on this machine ([Save & Print])