When an original consists of multiple pages of different sizes, the pages can be scanned at one time by using the ADF if they have the same width in the inch size.
Select the size of the original to be scanned.
When scanning a 2-sided original, specify the original loading direction so that the vertical direction of the scanned original is set correctly.
If the number of original sheets is so large that they cannot be loaded into the ADF at the same time, you can load them in several batches and handle them as one job. You can also scan the original using both ADF and Original Glass alternately.
If necessary, tap [Change Setting] to change the scan settings.
Selecting [Multi-Feed Detection] to ON stops scanning when the machine detects that the original is multiplexed on the ADF.
You can check the preview of the original, of which scanning was completed, on the double feeding error screen, so scanning can be restarted from that time.
When [Blank Page Removal] is specified to scan an original including blank pages using the ADF, blank pages are excluded from scan targets. Blank pages detected are not counted as original pages.