* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

User Box Administrator Setting

To display: [Utility][Administrator][Security][User Box Administrator Setting]

If the administrator of this machine wishes to delegate the User Box management or the management of files in the User Box to a particular person, assign a User Box administrator.

The User Box administrator can register or delete User Boxes of all users and also use files in User Boxes and System User Box. If [External Memory] is selected for the System User Box, only the file printing is available.



[User Box Administrator Setting]

When allowing the User Box administrator, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

[User Box Password]

Enter the password of User Box Administrator (using up to 64 characters).

[Re-enter User Box Administrator Password]

Retype the User Box administrator password for confirmation.

[E-mail Address]

Enter the E-mail address of the User Box Administrator (using up to 317 characters).

If the total file size in the SMB folder exceeds 90% of the available capacity in the storage, it is notified to the E-mail address of the User Box administrator. If the User Box administrator's E-mail address is not set, the notification is sent to the E-mail address of the machine administrator.


To log in as a User Box administrator, enter the following information on the login screen.

  • [User Name]: boxadmin

  • [Password]: Password specified above

  • This setting is displayed when User Authentication or Account Track is enabled.