* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

Def. operation mode set.

To display: [Utility][Administrator][System Settings][Def. operation mode set.]

Set the default operation screen to be displayed when this machine is started.



[Def. operation mode set.]

Select the default operation screen to be applied when this machine is started (default: [Basic Style]).

  • [Basic Style]: Standard operation screen. This mode provides the simple screen layout and instinctive operability.

  • [Classic Style]: Operation screen adopted in the previous models. Some functions are available only in classic style.

[Press Menu key to access Style]

Select the operation screen that is displayed when the home key is tapped (default: [Default setting of Style]).

  • If Enhanced Security Mode is enabled, the initial operation screen is set to the classic style, and this setting is not displayed.