Sending a Fax after Canceling the Super G3 Mode ([V34])


V.34 is a communication mode used for the Super G3 fax communication.

This can shorten the communication time and reduce communication costs because a single page of letter/A4 size paper can be sent in as little as approximately three seconds.

This machine uses the V.34 protocol communication by default. You can send faxes with V.34 canceled if it is not possible to establish a communication in the Super G3 mode depending on telephone line conditions (for example, when the remote or this machine is connected to a PBX line).

  • When registering destinations with an address book, you can specify whether to send faxes in the V.34 mode in addition to registering fax numbers.

  • If the V.34 function is canceled, the following functions cannot be used together.
    Polling TX, Polling TX (Bulletin Board)

Operation flow

  1. Load the original.

  2. Tap [Fax] on the home screen.

  3. Specify the destination.

  4. Tap [Line Settings].

  5. Set V34 to OFF in [ECM V34], and tap [OK].

  6. Use the Start key to start transmission.