Transmission Option Settings

Change the file resolution ([Resolution])

You can change the resolution, used for file storage in the User Box, and transfer file at a different resolution.



[Scan Resolution]

Select the resolution to be used for scanning and sending of the original.

To use E-mail TX, SMB TX, FTP TX, or WebDAV TX, the following resolution is selected for sending.

  • [Settings when saving]: Select this option to send the document in the same resolution as used for saving.

  • [200  200 dpi]: Select this option to send the document with the normal resolution.

  • [300  300 dpi]: Select this option to scan a standard original at a higher resolution.

  • [400  400 dpi]: Select this option to send a file containing small characters or drawings.

  • [600  600 dpi]: Select this option to convert an original into a file of the maximum size. Use this option to scan a file such as a full color photo to have the fine image quality.

[Fax Resolution]*

Select the resolution of the original for sending a fax.

To use Fax TX, Internet Fax, or IP Address Fax, send the original in the following resolution.

  • [Settings when saving]: Select this option to send the document in the same resolution as used for saving.

  • [Normal]: Select this option to scan an original that does not require a fine image quality level, or to send a large number of originals in a short time.

  • [Fine]: Select this option to send the document in the normal resolution.

  • [Super Fine]: Select this option to send a file containing small characters or drawings.

  • [Ultra Fine]: Select this option to send a file that requires a fine image quality level.

*[Fax Resolution] is displayed when a file is sent from a User Box.

  • If the resolution is high, a large information is scanned and the transmission time increases. To use an E-mail as a transmission method such as Scan to E-mail or Internet fax transmission, check that the data capacity are not limited.

Change the file color ([Color])

You can change the color mode settings, used for file storage in the User Box, and send the file in new color.



[Use Existing Color Setting]

Sends a file in the same color mode as used during storage.

[Full Color]

Sends a file in full colors regardless of the mode selected for saving.

Select this option to send color files and color photos.

[Gray Scale]

Sends a file in gray scale regardless of the mode selected for saving. Use this option to send an original that has many halftone images such as black and white photos.

[Black and White]

Sends the file in black or white without using neutral colors between black and white.

Use this option to send an original that has clear boundaries between black and white (for example, a line drawing).

Changing a file type ([File Type])

You can change the type of file, used for storage in the User Box, and transfer the file in new format.

The available file types are PDF, TIFF, JPEG, XPS, PPTX, DOCX, XLSX, Compact PDF, Compact XPS, and other types. You should use the password encrypted PDF file format to store important files.



[File Type]

Select the file type to be saved from the following:

  • [PDF]: A type available in most operating systems, which enables you to assign a password to a file or encrypt a file. Important original data should be saved as a PDF file.

  • [Compact PDF]*1: Used to send a file with a smaller file size than the normal PDF type. We recommend this format when you want to reduce file size to enable sending by E-mail etc.

  • [TIFF]: This is one kind of versatile image formats. This type is available for a multi-page file that provides multiple pages in one file.

  • [JPEG]*1: A file format widely used in digital cameras. Suitable for saving photo data. JPEG format does not support the saving of multiple pages as a single file.

  • [XPS]: Extension of an XML-base file that is applied in Windows. You can install the XPS viewer to view or print data even if the source application is not provided.

  • [Compact XPS]*1: Used to send a file with a smaller file size than the normal XPS type.

  • [PPTX]*1: Extension of an XML-base file that is created using PowerPoint of Microsoft Office.

  • [DOCX]*1: Extension of an XML-base file that is created using Word of Microsoft Office.

  • [XLSX]*1: Extension of an XML-base file that is created using Excel of Microsoft Office.

[Page Setting]

Select a filing page unit when an original consists of multiple pages.

  • [Multi Page]: Converts all pages to a single file. However, if [File Type] is set to [JPEG], you cannot select [Multi Page].

  • [Page Separation]*2: Select this option to divide a file into a specified number of pages for transmission using E-mail, SMB, or FTP transmission. For example, if you enter "2" to scan 10 original pages, they are separated into five files.

For E-mail, SMB, or FTP transmission of the files saved with Page Separation specified, [Page Separation] is enabled, and the number of pages specified at saving is applied. If necessary, the setting can be changed to [Multi Page].

[E-mail Attachment Method]*2

Select the E-mail attachment method when [Page Setting] is set to [Page Separation].

  • [All Files Sent as 1 E-Mail]: Attaches all files to a single E-mail.

  • [1 File per E-Mail]: Sends one E-mail for each file.

[PDF Detail Setting]*3

If [PDF] or [Compact PDF] is selected for file format, you can configure the PDF option settings.

[PDF Detail Setting] allows the following settings.




Select [ON] to encrypt a file.

  • When [Password] is selected in [Encryption Type], configure the following settings.
    [Password]: Enter the password to restrict access to the file. Create a PDF file that is accessible by specific users who know the password.
    [Permissions Password]: To specify permissions for printing and editing a PDF file, enter an authorization password.

  • When [Digital ID] is selected in [Encryption Type], configure the following settings.
    [Select Digital ID]: Select an E-mail address that contains a digital certificate for encryption.
    [Use Recipient's Digital ID.]: Uses a digital certificate registered in the PDF file sending destination.

  • [Password]: Enter the password to restrict access to the file. Create a PDF file that is accessible by specific users who know the password.

  • [Permissions Password]: To specify permissions for printing and editing a PDF file, enter an authorization password.

  • [Encryption Level]: When specifying permissions for a PDF file, select an encryption level according to the security level that you want to specify.
    If you select [High Level 1] or [High Level 2], you can specify permissions in more detail.

  • [Printing Allowed]: Select whether to permit printing of PDF files.
    If [Encryption Level] is set to [High Level 1] or [High Level 2], you can permit printing of PDF files only in low resolution ([Low Resolution]).

  • [Copy Contents]: Select whether to permit copying of text and image from PDF files.

  • [Encryption Target]: Select the target to be encrypted. Selecting [Other than Metadata] excludes property information from encryption processing.

  • [Changes Allowed]: Select the content of PDF for which modification is permitted.
    If [Encryption Level] is set to [High Level 1] or [High Level 2], you can select the contents to be permitted more detail.

[Digital Signature]

Select [ON] to add a signature (certificate) of this machine to a PDF file. Also, select the signature encryption level from [SHA1] or [SHA256].

You can certify the author of a PDF, and prevent forgery or unauthorized modification.

This function is enabled when a certification is registered on this machine. The E-mail address of the certificate of this machine must match the E-mail address of the administrator.

[Stamp Composition]

Specify this option to print date/time, page number, and header/footer on a PDF.

Select [Text] if you want to embed the text to be printed on a PDF as text. If you select [Image], the text will be embedded as an image.

[Outline PDF]

Specify this option to save a file in compact PDF format.

The text is extracted from the original and converted into a vector image.

[PDF Web Optimization]

Specify this option to create a PDF file optimized for Web display.

If a PDF file is optimized to the Web display, the Web browser displays only the first page of a PDF file on the screen before loading all pages.

[Searchable PDF]

Select [ON] to create a searchable PDF file.

  • [Language Setting]: Select a language for OCR processing. Select the language used in the original to correctly recognize text data.

  • [Adjust Rotation]: Select this check box to automatically perform the rotation adjustment for each page based on the direction of text data detected by OCR processing. When the rotation adjustment is disabled, if the specified original orientation does not match the text direction, text data is not recognized correctly.

  • [Document Name Auto Extraction]: Select this check box to automatically export a character string appropriate as a document name from the OCR character recognition result, and specify it as a document name. A document name is assigned automatically based on the character recognition result of the first page, date, time, and serial number.


Select [ON] to create a PDF file based on PDF/A.

  • [PDF/A-1a]: Creates a PDF file based on PDF/A-1a.

  • [PDF/A-1b]: Creates a PDF file based on PDF/A-1b.

[PDF Document Properties]

Add meta- information such as a title or author as PDF file properties.

  • [Name]: Enter a title of a PDF file (using up to 64 characters).

  • [Author]: Enter the name of the author of a PDF file (using up to 64 characters). If user authentication is installed on this machine, specify the user name as the author.

  • [Subject]: Enter a subject of a PDF file (using up to 64 characters).

  • [Keyword(s)]: Enter a keyword of a PDF file (using up to 64 characters).

*1[Compact PDF], [JPEG], [Compact XPS], [PPTX], [DOCX], or [XLSX] is displayed when a file is sent from a User Box or Annotation User Box.

*2[Page Separation] or [E-mail Attachment Method] is displayed when a file is sent from the User Box or Memory RX User Box.

*3When a file is sent from the Memory RX User Box, only the following functions are available.
[PDF Web Optimization], [PDF/A], [Searchable PDF]

  • To use the following functions, an option is required. For details on the required option, refer to [Scan options] .
    [DOCX] and [XLSX] of [File Type], [Digital ID] of [Encryption Type], [PDF Document Properties], [PDF/A], [PDF Web Optimization], [Searchable PDF]

Changing a file or a subject ([File Name/Subject Name/Other])

You can rename a file to be sent. When sending an E-mail, correct its subject and text if necessary.



[Document Name]

You can change the file name that was set when saved in the User Box.


Change the subject of the E-mail. If fixed subject phrases are registered, you can select a subject from those registered.


Change the sender's E-mail address.

In normal circumstances, the E-mail address of the administrator is used as sender's E-mail address.

If user authentication is installed on this machine, the E-mail address of the login user is used as sender's E-mail address.


Enter the message text of the E-mail. If fixed message text phrase is registered, you can select message text from those registered.

  • The following characters may be garbled depending on the destination environment; therefore, we recommend that you do not use them in a file name.
    < > : * ? " / \ |

Adding the print date/time ([Date/Time])

Add the print date/time to the first page or all pages.




Select [ON] to add the date/time.

[Date Format]

Select the date printing format.

[Time Format]

Select the time printing format. If you do not want to print the time, select [OFF].


Select the range of pages to print.

[Text Details]

If necessary, select the text printing format.

[Print Position]

If necessary, select the print position of the text. You can more finely adjust the print position in [Adjust Position].

Adding a page number ([Page Number])

Adds page and chapter numbers on printed sheets. Page and chapter numbers are printed on all pages.




Select [ON] to set Page Number.

[Page Number Type]

Select the format of the page number.

[Starting Page Number]

Specify the starting page number to be printed on the first page.

For example, to print page numbers from the third page of the file, enter "-1". The first page of the file is counted as "-1", the second page as "0", and the third page is counted as "1". In [Starting Page Number], a page number is printed on pages 1 and later. If "2" is entered, page numbers are printed from the first page of the file as "2, 3", etc. in order. "-" (minus sign) switches "+" and "-" each time you tap [*].

[Starting Chapter Number]

Specify the starting chapter number if a file is divided into chapters, and you want to print chapter numbers from the second chapter. You can specify starting chapter numbers when you have selected [Chapter Page] in [Page Number Type].

For example, to print chapter numbers from the third chapter, enter "-1". The first chapter of the file is counted as "-1", the second chapter as "0", and the third chapter is counted as "1". In [Starting Chapter Number], a chapter number is printed on the chapters that are count as 1 and later. If "2" is entered, a number is printed from the first page of the first chapter of the file as "2-1, 2-2". "-" (minus sign) switches "+" and "-" each time you tap [*].

[Text Details]

If necessary, select the text printing format.

[Print Position]

If necessary, select the print position of the text. You can more finely adjust the print position in [Adjust Position].

Adding a stamp ([Stamp])

A text such as "PLEASE REPLY" or "DO NOT COPY" is printed on the first page or all pages. You can select the text to be added from the registered fix stamps and arbitrary registered stamps.




Select [ON] to specify Stamp.

[Stamp Imprint]

Select the stamp you want to print.


Select the range of pages to print.

[Text Details]

If necessary, select the text printing format.

[Print Position]

If necessary, select the print position of the text. You can more finely adjust the print position in [Adjust Position].

Adding information to the header/footer ([Header/Footer])

Add the date, time, and any desired text in the top and bottom margins (header/footer) of the specified page. You must register the information to be added for the header/footer in advance on this machine.




Select [ON] to print the header/footer.

[Recall Header/Footer]

Select the header/footer to be printed. Select the header/footer from among those registered in advance.

[Check/Change Temporarily]

If necessary, check or temporarily change the details of the program that is selected in [Recall Header/Footer].

  • [Header Setting]: Change the content of the header.

  • [Footer Setting]: Change the content of the footer.

  • [Pages]: Change the range of pages to print.

  • [Text Details]: Change the print size and font.

Sending and printing at the same time ([Save & Print])

You can print data at the same time as you are using Scan or Fax TX.




Select [ON] to perform sending and printing at the same time.

[No. of Sets]

If necessary, enter the number of copies to print.


Select [2-Sided] to print on both sides of sheets of paper.


Select the binding positions for sheet stapling.

  • [Corner]: Each set of printed sheets is stapled in a corner (top left or top right) before it is output.

  • [2 Position]: Each set of printed sheets is stapled at two positions (in the top, left, or right) before it is output.

  • [Position Setting]: Select the binding position. If [Auto] is specified for the binding position, the binding position is determined automatically.

Changing a character string to be printed ([Stamp Settings])

You can change the character string specified to register a User Box before sending data.




Select a format for the date and time to be printed.

Specify [Date/Time] and tap the icon on the right side of the screen; you can select a Date/Time format.

[Secondary Field]

Adds text to the number to be printed (using up to 20 characters).


Select a density of the text to be printed.

[Number Type]

Select a number of digits of annotation to be printed.

  • [Number Only]: Prints only the number of digits of the total file pages.

  • [Put zeros in front]: Always prints an 8-digit number regardless of the number of file pages.

[Print Position]

Select a print position.

Notifying the the saving destination of the sent file ([URL Dest. Settings])

When the SMB transmission, FTP transmission, or WebDAV transmission is complete, an E-mail indicating the saving destination of the sent file is notified to any E-mail address.

To set [URL Dest. Settings], specify the E-mail address where to notify the URL.

  • Only one E-mail address can be specified to notify the URL. If the mailing list is used, it is convenient to register its E-mail address in Address Book.

Encrypting an E-mail ([Mail Encryption])

You can encrypt E-mails to prevent wiretapping by third parties during transmission.

Adding digital signature to E-mails ([Digital Signature])

When the MFP sends an E-mail, you can add a digital signature to it to prove the authenticity of the sender, and the recipient can confirm that data has not been tampered with.

  • If you cannot change the [ON] or [OFF] state, it is assumed that whether or not a digital signature is always added is specified by the administrator.

Sending after Renaming the Sender ([Fax Header Settings])

Normally, the default sender name is added. However, you can use different sender names as necessary.

If you want to use a sender name that is different from the default name, select a sender name you want to change to, and tap [OK].

Setting a fax line type ([Line Settings])

Specify how to send a fax based on the line conditions.



[TX Method]

Change the communication mode based on the line conditions.

  • [Overseas TX]: Select this option to send a fax to areas where communication conditions are poor. Faxes are sent at a lower speed.

  • [ECM]: ECM is an error correction mode defined by ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector). Fax machines equipped with the ECM feature communicate with each other, confirming that the sent data is free of errors. This prevents image blurring caused by telephone line noise.
    Communication time can be reduced by setting ECM to OFF for transmission. However, an image error or communication error may occur depending on the specified communication time value, so change the value to suit conditions.

  • [V.34]: V.34 is a communication mode used for super G3 fax communication. When the remote machine or this machine is connected to a telephone line via PBX, however, you may not establish a communication in the super G3 mode depending on telephone line conditions. In this case, it is recommended that you turn the V.34 mode off to send data.

[Check Dest. and Send]

The fax number specified for fax is checked against the destination fax number (CSI) and the fax is sent only when they match.

Specifying the time for communication ([Timer TX])

Specify when to start fax transmission. The fax is automatically sent at the specified time.




Select [ON] to set Timer TX.

[Current Time]

Shows the current time.

[Start Time]

Specify the time to start fax transmission.

Sending a fax with a password ([Password TX])

A fax is sent with a password to a device for which fax destinations are restricted by passwords (Closed Network RX enabled).




Select [ON] to set Password TX.


Enter the password for Closed Network RX of the destination.

Sending after specifying a F-code ([F-Code TX])

To use Confidential TX or Relay Distribution, enter an F-code (SUB address and sender ID), and send it.




Select [ON] to set F-Code TX.

[SUB Address]

Enter a SUB address.

  • To use Confidential TX, enter the Confidential User Box number programmed for the destination.

  • To use relay distribution, enter the Relay User Box number programmed for the destination.

[Sender ID]

Enter a sender ID.

  • To use Confidential TX, enter the communication password for Confidential RX that is programmed for the destination.

  • To use relay distribution, enter the Relay User Box password programmed for the destination.