Notifying counter information by E-mail

Setting flow

The counter information managed by this machine can be sent to the registered E-mail address. The information is useful for seeing the picture of the machine operating status.

To send the counter information via E-mail, follow the below procedure to configure the settings.

  1. Configuring network settings of this machine ( [Network Settings] )

  2. Configuring the Scan to E-mail Environment ( [Configuring the Scan to E-mail Environment] )

    supplementary explanationSelect [Network] - [E-mail Setting] - [E-mail TX (SMTP)], and set [Total Counter Notification] to ON.

  3. Configuring the counter notification settings ( [Configuring the counter notification settings] )

Configuring the counter notification settings

Register destination E-mail addresses. Up to three destination E-mail addresses can be registered. Also set the notification schedule.

Select [Maintenance] - [Total Counter Notification Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Total Counter Notification Setting]

Enter a model name to be included in the notification mail message (using up to 20 characters).

[Schedule Setting]

Specify the notification schedule by [Daily], [Weekly], or [Monthly]. Up to two schedules can be registered. You can use different schedules for different purposes.

[Register Notification Address]

Register destination E-mail addresses. Also, select a notification schedule to be applied.

  • [E-mail Address]: Enter the E-mail address of the destination (using up to 320 characters, excluding spaces).

  • [Eco-Related Information Notification]: When notifying of Eco information, set this option to ON (default: ON).

  • [Notifies by Schedule1] or [Notifies by Schedule2]: Select a schedule to be applied to a destination from the schedules registered in [Schedule Setting].

[Test Notice]

When issuing a test notification, set [Send notice after setting complete] to ON (default: OFF).

  • If [Send notice after setting complete] is set to ON, a test notification is sent to the E-mail addresses that are registered after settings were completed.