Specifying a Destination

Directly entering the destination

Directly enter destination information.

  1. Tap [+].

  2. Select [WebDAV].

  3. Enter destination information.



    [Host Name]

    Enter the destination host name or IP address (using up to 253 bytes).

    • Example to enter the host name: "host.example.com"

    • Example to enter the IP address (IPv4): ""

    • Example to enter the IP address (IPv6): "fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16"

    [File Path]

    Enter the folder name of the host specified in [Host Name] (using up to 127 bytes).

    • Example to enter the folder name: "scan"

    • Example to enter the folder name in the folder: "scan/document"

    [User Name]

    Enter the name of a user with folder access rights (using up to 64 characters).


    Enter the password (using up to 64 characters, excluding double quotation marks ").

    [Port Number]

    If necessary, change the port number (default: [80]).


    When a proxy server is used in your environment, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    [SSL Setting]

    When SSL is used in your environment, set this option to ON (default: OFF). Setting this option to ON changes [Port Number] to [443].

  4. Tap [OK].

Using Address Book

Selecting the Destination tab () displays a list of destinations registered on this machine. Switch the display using an index, and specify the target destination. For details, refer to [Using Address Book] .

Searching for the registered destination

Tapping the Search tab () displays the destination search screen. If a large number of destinations are registered, the system searches for the registered name of the destination or characters of the address to find the target destination. For details, refer to [Searching for the registered destination] .

Using Job History

Tapping the History tab () displays a list of transmission logs. Specify the target destination from the previous five job histories. For details, refer to [Using Job History] .