Printing Using the PPD Driver for Applications

About PPD driver for applications

Install the PPD driver for applications when using PageMaker or other applications that requires a PPD.

PPD registration destination (Example: Adobe PageMaker)

  • For PageMaker 6.0:
    Copy the PPD file to RSRC\PPD4 under the folder to which PageMaker is installed.

  • For PageMaker 6.5 and 7.0:
    Copy the PPD file to RSRC\<Language>\PPD4 under the folder to which PageMaker is installed.

Printing procedure

The following describes the printing procedure in which the PPD driver for applications is used.

  1. Open the data in the application. From the menu bar, click [File] - [Print].

  2. From the [PPD] box in the print window, select this machine.

  3. In [Paper] or [Features], configure the print settings.

  4. Click the [Print] button to execute printing.