Using OpenAPI
Setting flow
To use application that communicates with this machine via OpenAPI, configure the OpenAPI settings of this machine.
If a certificate for this machine is registered, you can use SSL to encrypt communication between this machine and a client when the machine acts as a server.
By using the Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) function of this machine, you can associate with OpenAPI connection application smoothly.
To perform the association via OpenAPI, follow the below procedure to configure the settings.
Configuring settings to suit your environment
Configure the basic OpenAPI settings
Configure settings to establish a communication via OpenAPI.
Select [Network] - [SSDP Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the SSDP settings.
Select [Network] - [OpenAPI Setting] - [OpenAPI Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the OpenAPI settings.
Settings of [SSDP Settings]
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| When enabling SSDP, set this option to ON (default: ON). This allows for the following actions: Notifying of OpenAPI service having started on this machine. Returning a response to a search for OpenAPI service.
| Change TTL (Time To Live) for SSDP multi-cast packet if necessary (default: [1]). |
Settings of [OpenAPI Setting]
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| If necessary, change the port number for OpenAPI communication (default: [50001]). |
| Select the version of the protocol for HTTP communication (default: [HTTP/1.1]). [HTTP/1.1]: Uses HTTP/1.1 only. [HTTP/2,HTTP/1.1]: Uses HTTP/2 when connected to HTTP/2. In other cases, HTTP/1.1 is used.
- If you change multiple port numbers collectively in Web Connection or on the screen of this machine, a port number duplication error may appear. If a port number duplication error appears, change multiple port numbers one by one instead of changing them collectively.
Using a proxy server
When a proxy server is installed in your environment, register the proxy server.
Select [Network] - [OpenAPI Setting] - [OpenAPI Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.
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| Register the proxy server to suit your operating environment. [Proxy Server Address]: Enter the proxy server address. Use one of the following formats. Example to enter the host name: "host.example.com" Example to enter the IP address (IPv4): "" Example to enter the IP address (IPv6): "fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16" [Proxy Server Port Number]: If necessary, change the proxy server port number to be used for HTTP (default: [8080]). [Proxy Server Port Number (HTTPS)]: If necessary, change the proxy server port number to be used for HTTPS (default: [8080]). [Proxy Server Port Number (FTP)]: If necessary, change the proxy server port number to be used for FTP (default: [21]). [User Name]: Enter the user name used for proxy authentication (using up to 63 single-byte characters). [Password]: Enter the password for proxy authentication (using up to 63 single-byte characters).
Using SSL communication
Use SSL to encrypt communication between this machine and application via OpenAPI.
Register a certificate for this machine and enable SSL communication.
Select [Network] - [OpenAPI Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the SSL settings.
Settings of [OpenAPI Setting]
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| Select whether to use the SSL for communication or not (default: [Non-SSL Only]). [Non-SSL Only]: Only non-SSL communication is allowed. [SSL Only]: Only SSL communication is allowed. [SSL/Non-SSL]: Both SSL communication and non-SSL communication are allowed.
| If necessary, change the port number for SSL communication (default: [50003]). |
[Certificate Verification Level Settings] | To validate the certificate during SSL communication, select items to be verified. [Client Certificates]: Select whether to request a certificate from clients that connect to this machine (default: OFF). [Expiration Date]: Confirm whether the certificate is within the validity period (default: ON). [CN]: Confirm whether CN (Common Name) of the certificate matches the server address (default: OFF). [Key Usage]: Confirm whether the certificate is used according to the intended purpose approved by the certificate issuer (default: OFF). [Chain]: Confirm whether there is a problem in the certificate chain (certificate path) (default: OFF). The chain is validated by referencing the external certificates managed on this machine. [Expiration Date Confirmation]: Confirm whether the certificate has expired (default: OFF). The expiration date confirmation is performed in the order of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) service, and CRL (Certificate Revocation List).