* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

Preview Settings

To display: [Utility][Administrator][System Settings][Preview Settings]

Configure settings related to the preview function of classic style.



[Real time Preview]

When using the real time preview function, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

Display a preview image for each page of an original when it is scanned in scan/fax mode. Each preview image shows the scanned original as is.

[Set key Initial display]

When setting the preview screen with setting keys displayed as the default, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

[Original direction setting]

To display the screen for selecting the original loading direction when scanning the original pressing the Preview key, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[Preview Display Conditions (Standard Application)]

Select conditions to display a preview image (default: [Press Preview Key]).

  • [Jobs Executed]: Shows a preview image when pressing the Start key to execute a job as well as when pressing the Preview key.

  • [Press Preview Key]: Shows a preview image only when the Preview key is pressed.

[Preview Display Conditions (Registered Application)]

Select conditions to display a preview image when using the OpenAPI application (default: [Press Preview Key]).

  • [Jobs Executed]: Shows a preview image when pressing the Start key to execute a job as well as when pressing the Preview key.

  • [Press Preview Key]: Shows a preview image only when the Preview key is pressed.

  • [Use Standard Application Settings]: Follows the setting of [Preview Display Conditions (Standard Application)].