* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

Register Support Information

To display: [Utility][Administrator][System Settings][Register Support Information]

Enter the support information of the machine such as contact name information for the machine and online help URL.



[Contact Name]

Enter the contact name of this machine (using up to 63 characters).

[Contact Information]

Enter the contact information of this machine such as the phone number or URL (using up to 127 characters).

[Product Help URL]

Enter the Product Help URL of this machine (using up to 127 characters).

[Corporate URL]

Enter the URL of the Web page for the manufacturer of this machine (using up to 127 characters).

[Supplies and Accessories]

Enter consumables supplier information (using up to 127 characters).

[Online Help URL]

Enter the Web Connection online help URL (using up to 127 characters).

[Driver URL]

Enter the URL of the place where the driver of this machine is stored (using up to 127 characters).

Enter an appropriate URL to suit your environment.

[Engine Serial Number]

Enables you to confirm the serial number of this machine.