SMB Transmission Errors

About SMB transmission errors

There are the following types of SMB transmission errors.



Main Cause and Remedy

Server connection error

Cannot connect to the destination's shared folder.

For details, refer to [Server connection error] .

Login error

Cannot log in to the destination's shared folder.

For details, refer to [Login error] .

No specified folder

The destination's shared folder is not found.

For details, refer to [No specified folder] .

Server connection error

Error code





The SMB port is not permitted in the firewall.

Permit the following port in the PC's firewall.

  • TCP 445 (File and Printer Sharing (SMB RX))

"File and Printer Sharing" is disabled.

Enable "File and Printer Sharing" in the Windows settings.

For details, refer to [In Windows] .

The IP Address for the address book is incorrect.

Correctly enter the IP address of the PC, which contains the shared folder, in the Address Book setting.

For details, refer to [SMB] .



The appropriate access rights are not assigned to the shared folder.

Configure the following settings to allow an access to the shared folder.

  • Allow Public Access: Allows a higher access right than "Change" to everyone. Otherwise, this option allows a higher access right than "Change" to an account specified in the address book.

  • Allow NTFS Access: Allows a higher access right than "Change" to everyone. Otherwise, this option allows a higher access right than "Change" to an account specified in the address book.

An account without password is used.

Set [SMB Server Common Settings] - [SMB Authentication Protocol] of the device to [SMB1.0].

Disable "Password Protection Sharing" in the Windows settings. (However, in the domain environment, "Password Protection Sharing" is enabled necessarily, so transmission is not possible using an account without password.)

In "Allow NTFS Access" of the shared folder, set a higher access right than "Change" to everyone.

The SMB authentication protocol is incorrect.

Configure [SMB Authentication Setting] of the device as shown below.

  • In workgroup environment: [NTLM v1/v2]

  • In domain environment: [Kerberos] ([NTLM v1/v2] when Kerberos authentication fails)

For details, refer to [Client Setting] .

A setting for requesting the SMB signature is configured in the PC side.

Change [SMB security Signature Setting] of the device to [Required] or [When requested].

For details, refer to [Client Setting] .

Login error

Error code




The user name or password of the address book is incorrect.

Correctly enter the name and password of the user, who has the privilege to access the shared folder, in the Address Book setting.

For details, refer to [SMB] .

The IP Address of a different PC is specified in the address book.

Correctly enter the IP address of the PC, which contains the shared folder, in the Address Book setting.

For details, refer to [SMB] .

  • If you are operating as a domain user, create a domain user name that is different from the local user name. If your domain user name is the same as the local user name, use the same password for both.

No specified folder

Error code





An incorrect shared folder name is specified in the address book.

Check the shared folder name of the PC, and enter the correct folder name in the Address Book setting.

For details, refer to [SMB] .

The folder is not shared.

Configure the setting to share the folder, and set the appropriate access right.