Preparation Required to Use This Function (for the administrator)

Setting flow

To use this machine by connecting it to a wireless network environment, follow the below procedure to configure the settings.

  1. Selecting a network interface configuration ( [Setting a network interface configuration] )

  2. Configuring a setting to connect wireless network using TCP/IP ( [Configuring the basic settings for TCP/IP] )

  3. Configuring a setting to operate this machine as a wireless LAN adapter or wireless LAN access point.

    supplementary explanationOperating this machine as a wireless LAN adapter ( [Operating this machine as a wireless LAN adapter] )

    supplementary explanationOperating this machine as a wireless LAN access point ( [Operating this machine as a wireless LAN access point] )

    supplementary explanationOperating this machine as a Wi-Fi Direct group owner ( [Operating this machine as a Wi-Fi Direct group owner] )

Setting a network interface configuration

Set a network interface configuration of this machine.

Select [Network] - [Network I/F Configuration] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and select the network interface you want to enable.

  • [Wired Only]: Select this option to use this machine only in the wired LAN environment.

  • [Wireless Only]: Select this option to use this machine only in the wireless LAN environment. This machine runs as a wireless LAN adapter in a wireless LAN environment.

  • [Wired + Wireless (Secondary Mode)]: Select this option to use this machine in both the wired LAN environment and wireless LAN environment. This machine runs as a wireless LAN adapter in a wireless LAN environment.

  • [Wired + Wireless (Primary Mode)]: Select this option to use this machine in both the wired LAN environment and wireless LAN environment. This machine runs as a wireless LAN access point in a wireless LAN environment.

  • [Wired + Wireless (Wi-Fi Direct)]: Select this option to use this machine in both the wired LAN environment and wireless LAN environment. This machine runs as a Wi-Fi Direct group owner in a wireless LAN environment.

Configuring the basic settings for TCP/IP

When [Wired + Wireless (Secondary Mode)], [Wired + Wireless (Primary Mode)], or [Wired + Wireless (Wi-Fi Direct)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration], configure settings to connect this machine to the wireless network environment using TCP/IP.

Select [Network] - [TCP/IP Setting1] - [Wireless Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.




Set the IPv4 address to this machine.

  • [IP Address Setting Method]: Select the method to specify the IP address to this machine according to your environment (default: [Auto Setting]). To manually specify the IP address, select [Manual Setting]. To automatically specify the IP address using DHCP, select [Auto Setting].
    [Auto Setting] is not displayed when [Wired + Wireless (Primary Mode)] or [Wired + Wireless (Wi-Fi Direct)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration].

  • [IP Address]: When manually specifying the IP address, enter the fixed IP address assigned to the machine.

  • [Subnet Mask]: When manually specifying the IP address, enter the subnet mask.


Displays the IPv6 settings of this machine.

  • [Link-Local Address]: Displays the link-local address. The link-local address is automatically specified from the MAC address of this machine.

  • For the wireless network address, specify a private IP address or other address that is different from the wired network address. If the same network address group is specified, it will disable a transmission from this machine to the wired network.

Operating this machine as a wireless LAN adapter

If [Wireless Only] or [Wired + Wireless (Secondary Mode)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration], configure settings to operate this machine as a wireless LAN adapter.

  1. Select [Network] - [Wireless Network Setting] - [Wireless LAN Adapter] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and specify the setting method.



    [Direct Input]

    Select this option to directly enter all the setting items such as SSID and the encryption scheme that are required for a connection.


    Select this option to automatically obtain information required for a connection from the access point. The access point must support the WPS function.

    When Web Connection is used by specifying the IP address of this machine connected to the wireless network, Web Connection is disconnected if WPS is executed.

  2. Configure the following settings depending on the setting method you selected in Step 1.

    supplementary explanationWhen [Direct Input] is selected:



    [AP Search]

    Automatically searches for an access point around this machine. Select an access point to be connected to this machine from the displayed list.


    Enter the SSID of the access point to be connected to this machine (using up to 32 bytes).

    [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm]

    Select the algorithm used for authentication or encryption (default: [No Authentication/Encryption]).

    [WEP Key]

    Set [WEP Key] when [WEP] is selected in [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm].

    • [Key Input Method]: Select the method to enter the WEP key.

    • [WEP Key]: Enter the WEP key.

    • [Key Selection]: Select the required WEP keys.

    [Passphrase Input Method]

    Select the passphrase entry method when an algorithm other than [WEP] or [No Authentication/Encryption] is selected in [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm].


    Specify the passphrase when an algorithm other than [WEP] or [No Authentication/Encryption] is selected in [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm].

    supplementary explanationWhen [WPS] is selected:



    [Push Button Method]

    Try to connect to the access point.

    If you press the WPS setting button at the access point, settings such as SSID and security required for a connection are configured automatically.

    For some access points that use the WPS push-button method, the connection may fail. If this occurs, wait approximately 30 seconds after pressing the button on the access point before connecting the machine.

    [PIN Method]

    The PIN code appears.

    If you enter the displayed PIN code at the access point, settings such as SSID and security required for a connection are configured automatically.

Operating this machine as a wireless LAN access point

If [Wired + Wireless (Primary Mode)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration], configure settings to use this machine as a wireless LAN access point.

Select [Network] - [Wireless Network Setting] - [Main Device Wireless Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.




Enter the SSID to use this machine as a wireless LAN access point (using up to 32 bytes).

[Authentication/Encryption Algorithm]

Select the algorithm used for authentication or encryption (default: [No Authentication/Encryption]).

[WEP Key]

Set [WEP Key] when [WEP] is selected in [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm].

  • [Key Input Method]: Select the method to enter the WEP key.

  • [WEP Key]: Enter the WEP key.

  • [Key Selection]: Select the required WEP keys.


Specify the [Passphrase] when an algorithm other than [WEP] or [No Authentication/Encryption] is selected in [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm].

  • [Passphrase Input Method]: Select the method to enter the passphrase.

  • [Passphrase]: Enter the passphrase.

  • [Passphrase Auto Update]: Specify whether to automatically update the encryption key.
    [Update Interval]: Enter the interval to update the encryption key.

[Wireless Channel]

Select a wireless channel to be used by the access point (default: [Auto]).

Selecting [Auto] searches for a channel that is not being used for other access points, and automatically assigns it to the access point.

[Wireless Channel Settings]

Specify the frequency band and channel required for wireless LAN connection.

  • [Available frequency band]: Select the frequency band required for wireless LAN connection.

  • [Wireless Channel (2.4GHz)]: Select the channel to be used for wireless LAN connection of the 2.4GHz band (default: [Auto]). Selecting [Auto] searches for a channel that is not being used for other access points, and automatically assigns it to the access point.

  • [Wireless Channel (5GHz)]: Select the channel to be used for wireless LAN connection of the 5GHz band (default: [Auto]). Selecting [Auto] searches for a channel that is not being used for other access points, and automatically assigns it to the access point.

[ANY Connection]

Select whether to allow ANY connection (default: [Allow]).

If [Restrict] is selected, the SSID cannot be detected automatically as an access point in the wireless LAN adapter side.

[MAC address Filtering]

Restricts wireless LAN adapters that can be connected to the access point using the MAC address.

Enter the MAC addresses of wireless LAN adapters that can be connected to the access point. MAC addresses of up to 16 devices can be registered.

[DHCP Server Settings]

Configure settings to use the DHCP server. In general use, DHCP server settings are required.

  • [Enable Settings]: Select whether to enable the DHCP server function (default: [Disable]).

  • [IPv4 lease address]: Specify the range of IPv4 addresses to be leased from the DHCP server.

  • [Subnet Mask]: Specify the subnet mask of the IPv4 address to be leased from the DHCP server.

  • [Lease period]: Specify the lease period of the IPv4 address to be leased from the DHCP server.

[No.of Concurrent Devices Allowed]

Enter the number of devices that can be connected simultaneously to the access point (default: [16] units).

[Signal Strength Setting]

Select the radio field intensity of the access point from three levels (default: [High]).

[Display Connected Devices]

Displays a list of names and MAC addresses of wireless LAN adapters that are connected to the access point.

Operating this machine as a Wi-Fi Direct group owner

When [Wired + Wireless (Wi-Fi Direct)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration], configure settings to operate this machine as a Wi-Fi Direct group owner.

Select [Network] - [Wireless Network Setting] - [Main Device Wireless Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.




Enter the SSID to use this machine as a Wi-Fi Direct group owner (using up to 32 bytes). This option is available when a terminal compatible with Wi-Fi Direct is connected to this machine.

If you cannot connect to this machine by specifying the SSID specified here, specify [Virtual SSID] to make a connection.

[Virtual SSID]

Displays the automatically generated virtual SSID.

This option is available when a terminal incompatible with Wi-Fi Direct is connected to this machine. The virtual SSID is displayed with "DIRECT-XXXXXX" ("XXXXXX" indicates a combination of the random alphanumeric characters and the specified value of SSID).

[Authentication/Encryption Algorithm]

The algorithm for authentication or encryption is fixed to [WPA2-PSK(AES)].


Displays the automatically created passphrase.

[Wireless Channel]

Select a wireless channel to be used by the access point (default: [Auto]).

Selecting [Auto] searches for a channel that is not being used for other access points, and automatically assigns it to the access point.

[Wireless Channel Settings]

Specify the frequency band and channel required for wireless LAN connection.

  • [Available frequency band]: Select the frequency band required for wireless LAN connection.

  • [Wireless Channel (2.4GHz)]: Select the channel to be used for wireless LAN connection of the 2.4GHz band (default: [Auto]). Selecting [Auto] searches for a channel that is not being used for other access points, and automatically assigns it to the access point.

  • [Wireless Channel (5GHz)]: Select the channel to be used for wireless LAN connection of the 5GHz band (default: [Auto]). Selecting [Auto] searches for a channel that is not being used for other access points, and automatically assigns it to the access point.

[DHCP Server Settings]

Configure settings to use the DHCP server. In general use, DHCP server settings are required.

  • [Enable Settings]: Select whether to enable the DHCP server function (default: [Disable]).

  • [IPv4 lease address]: Specify the range of IPv4 addresses to be leased from the DHCP server.

  • [Subnet Mask]: Specify the subnet mask of the IPv4 address to be leased from the DHCP server.

  • [Lease period]: Specify the lease period of the IPv4 address to be leased from the DHCP server.

[No.of Concurrent Devices Allowed]

Enter the number of devices that can be connected simultaneously to the access point (default: [16] units).

[Signal Strength Setting]

Select the radio field intensity of the access point from three levels (default: [High]).

[Display Connected Devices]

Displays a list of names and MAC addresses of wireless LAN adapters that are connected to the access point.

  • For details on the Wi-Fi Direct connection method, refer to the user's manual of your terminal.

  • If [Wireless Channel] is set to [Auto], it may cause a Wi-Fi Direct connection failure on some Android terminals. In this case, change the [Wireless Channel] setting to the fixed channel, then retry a connection.