Using IWS

Setting flow

Configure the settings to use the IWS (Internal Web Server) function.

  1. Configuring network settings of this machine ( [Network Settings] )

  2. Configuring basic settings for IWS authentication ( [Configuring the basic IWS settings] )

  3. Configuring the setting to use MarketPlace ( [Configuring the setting to use MarketPlace] )

  4. Configuring the execution environment of the IWS application to operate preferentially ( [Configuring the execution environment of the IWS application to operate preferentially] )

Configuring the basic IWS settings

Configure the settings to use the IWS (Internal Web Server) function.

Select [Network] - [IWS Settings] - [IWS Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[IWS Settings]

When using the IWS function, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[Port Number (Web Server)]

If necessary, change the port number used to access the Web page contents uploaded to this machine (default: [8090]).

[Port Number (Application Installation)]

If necessary, change the port number to be used for dynamic contents of this machine (default: [8091]).

[Connect IWS Apps to Network]

When allowing the user to externally access the dynamic contents, set this option to ON (default: ON).

This option is available when Web page contents uploaded to this machine have dynamic contents such as scripts.

[Communication Between Applications]

Configure settings to operate the IWS application installed on this machine through the IWS application installed on a different device or an external application such as an application on a mobile terminal.

  • [Permit Access for Communication between Applications]: When allowing a communication between an external application and the IWS application of this machine, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  • [Authentication]: Configure authentication information for logging in to this machine that is required when an external application operates the IWS application on this machine.
    [User Name]: Enter the user name used for authentication (using up to eight characters).
    [Password]: Enter the password for authentication (using up to eight characters).

  • [Login Information Notification Setting]: When notifying you of the user name and password of the user who is using this machine, when the IWS application on this machine operates that of a different device, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

Configuring the setting to use MarketPlace

Configure the setting to use the application store, MarketPlace.

Select [Network] - [IWS Settings] - [MarketPlace Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Enable Settings]

When enabling the MarketPlace application, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[MarketPlace Account Setting]

Set the MarketPlace account to manage this machine.

  • [E-mail Address]: Enter the E-mail address (using up to 320 characters).

Configuring the execution environment of the IWS application to operate preferentially

Select [Network] - [IWS Settings] - [Memory allocation settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and select the execution environment of the IWS application to operate preferentially (default: [Python priority]).

Assign a more memory space to the selected IWS application execution environment.