Managing files in a User Box

Automatically deleting files from a User Box

For all the Public User Boxes, Personal User Boxes, and Group User Boxes, the administrator specifies the time to automatically delete files from the date/time the files were last printed or sent.

This delete time is used as the time to delete files from an existing User Box and from a User Box you will create.

Select [System Settings] - [User Box Setting] - [Document Delete Time Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Delete Setting]

Select whether the administrator collectively specifies the file deletion times for all the User Boxes (default: [Set by User.]).

If [Set by Administrator.] is selected, the user cannot specify the file deletion time for each User Box when creating a User Box.

[Delete Time Setting]

Specify the time required to automatically delete files from a User Box (default: [1] day).

  • [Do Not Delete]: Keeps the file in the User Box.

  • [Specify days]: Select the number of days until the file is automatically deleted.

  • [Specify Time]: Enter the time period before the file is automatically deleted.

Holding files in a User Box

Specify whether to keep the file in the Public User Box, Personal User Box, Group User Box, or Annotation User Box after it is printed or sent.

Select [System Settings] - [User Box Setting] - [Document Hold Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Automatic deletion when retrieving documents.]

When holding a file in a User Box after printing or sending a file in a User Box, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[Delete confirmation screen.]

When displaying the deletion confirmation screen after printing or sending a file in a User Box, set this option to ON (default: OFF). You can prompt the user to select whether to hold a file in a User Box.

Automatically deleting files saved in a User Box using the Scan to URL function

Specify the period from the date and time when files are saved in a User Box on this machine to the time when they are deleted automatically using the Scan to URL function.

This delete time is used as the time to delete files from an existing User Box and from a User Box you will create.

Select [System Settings] - [URL Document Management Setting] - [URL Document Delete Time Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Delete Time Setting]

Specify the time required to automatically delete files from a User Box (default: [3] days).

  • [Specify days]: Select the number of days until the file is automatically deleted.

  • [Specify Time]: Enter the time period before the file is automatically deleted.

Deleting all files saved in a User Box using the Scan to URL function

Delete all files saved in a User Box on this machine using the Scan to URL function.

Select [System Settings] - [URL Document Management Setting] - [URL Delete Document] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), then click [OK].