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Server Backup

To display: [Utility][Administrator Settings][Security Settings][Information Backup Setting][Server Backup]

Backs up setting data to the server.

In [Backup Settings], configure settings to back up setting data to the server.




Select whether to use the server backup function.

[OFF] is specified by default.

[TX Protocol]

Select the protocol to communicate with the server, then specify parameters.

  • [PC (SMB)]: Select this item to back up data to the SMB server. Enter the host name of the server and the path of the sharing folder as well as the user name and password of the user with access rights.

  • [HTTP]: Select this item to back up data to the WebDAV server. Enter the URL of the WebDAV folder as well as the user name and password of the user with access rights. Also, select whether to use a proxy server.

[Encryption Password]

Enter the password to encrypt backup data (using up to 64 characters).

[Backup target]

Select backup data.

[Auto backup]

Configure a setting to periodically make a backup copy.

  • [Yes]/[No]: Select whether to periodically make a backup copy. [No] is specified by default.

  • [Interval of Day(s)]: Specify the backup timing using a day interval and time. [1] day, [0] hours [0] minutes is specified by default.

  • [Weekly Frequency]: Specify the backup timing with a day of the week and the time. [Sunday], [0] hours [0] minutes is specified by default.

  • Selecting [Immediate backup] allows a user to manually perform server backup processing.

  • [Backup result] displays the latest date when server backup has been performed. Also, the backup result history is displayed.