* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

Security Details

To display: [Utility][Administrator Settings][Security Settings][Security Details]

Restricts functions that are related to authentication operations and data management to enhance security.



[Password Rules]

Configure whether to enable the password rules. Once you enable it, the number of characters and text types that are available for passwords is restricted. If necessary, change the minimum number of password characters.

For details, refer to [Password Rules] .

[Prohibited Functions When Authentication Error]

Define the severity of penalties applied if an incorrect password is entered during the authentication process.

For details, refer to [Prohibited Functions When Authentication Error] .

[Confidential Document Access Method]

Specify how to enter a document ID and a password when accessing a file in the Secure Print User Box. This function is forced determined in conjunction with [Prohibited Functions When Authentication Error].

For details, refer to [Confidential Document Access Method] .

[Manual Destination Input]

Select whether to allow the user to directly enter destinations.

For details, refer to [Manual Destination Input] .

[Print Data Capture]

Select whether to allow capturing of print data received by this machine to analyze a printer-related failure.

For details, refer to [Print Data Capture] .

[Restrict Fax TX]

Select whether to restrict fax transmissions.

For details, refer to [Restrict Fax TX] .

[Address Selection Confirmation Display]

Select whether to display the registered information of the selected destination each time a destination registered on this machine is selected as a recipient.

For details, refer to [Address Selection Confirmation Display] .

[Personal Data Security Settings]

Specify whether to hide personal information, such as destination and file name, in [Active] and [Log] in the [Job List] screen.

For details, refer to [Personal Data Security Settings] .

[Hide Personal Information (MIB)]

Specify whether to display the file name, destination, and User Box name or User Box number for the MIB information.

For details, refer to [Hide Personal Information (MIB)] .

[Display Activity Log]

Select whether to show the activity log on Scan, Fax TX and RX.

For details, refer to [Display Activity Log] .


Initializes the settings in [Job History], [Copy Program], [Network Settings], [Address Registration], and [Enhanced Server Information].

For details, refer to [Initialize] .

[Secure Print Only]

Specify whether the printing from the computer should be limited only to the security document.

For details, refer to [Secure Print Only] .

[Web browser contents access]

Select whether to allow an access to the Web page contents saved on the hard disk of this machine.

For details, refer to [Web browser contents access] .

[Web browser setting change]

Specify whether to allow the user to perform user data setting operations on the Web browser.

For details, refer to [Web browser setting change] .

[TX Operation Log]

Select whether to obtain an operation log on the Control Panel when scanning or sending a fax as a send operation log. This helps to analyze any security issues that occur.

For details, refer to [TX Operation Log] .

[Write the Configuration from USB]

Select whether to permit a change on the settings of this machine by loading the configuration file saved in USB memory.

For details, refer to [Write the Configuration from USB] .

[Storage data backup]

Select whether to permit our service representative to back up or restore the storage on this machine.

For details, refer to [Storage data backup] .

[Remote Service setting]

Specify whether to allow the use of the remote service.

For details, contact your service representative.

Password Rules

Prohibited Functions When Authentication Error

Confidential Document Access Method

Manual Destination Input

Print Data Capture

Restrict Fax TX

Address Selection Confirmation Display

Personal Data Security Settings

Hide Personal Information (MIB)

Display Activity Log


Secure Print Only

Web browser contents access

Web browser setting change

TX Operation Log

Write the Configuration from USB

Storage data backup