* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

Account Track Registration

To display: [Utility][Administrator Settings][User Authentication/Account Track][Account Track Settings][Account Track Registration]

Register account information. In addition, configure function permission and the maximum allowance on the number of pages printed for each account.

Select a number and tap [Edit], and the account track registration or editing screen is displayed.



[Account Name]

Enter the account name used for logging in to this machine (using up to eight characters).


Enter the password to log in to this machine (using up to 64 characters).

[Max. Allowance Set]

Restricts the number of pages each account can print.

  • [Total Allowance]: Specify the total number of pages that can be printed. To omit setting of the maximum, select [No Limit].

Tap [All Accounts] to apply the maximum setting to all accounts.

[No Limit] is specified by default.

[Function Permission]

Restrict functions available to users.

Specify whether to restrict the following functions, respectively:

  • [Copy]: [Allow] is specified by default.

  • [Scan]: [Full Color/Black] is specified by default.

  • [Fax]: [Full Color/Black] is specified by default.

  • [Print]: [Allow] is specified by default.

  • [TX Document Print]: [Allow] is specified by default.

Tap [All Accounts] to apply function permission setting to all accounts.


Disable registered accounts temporarily if necessary. If [Stop Job] is set, the users cannot log in to the MFP any longer.

Tap [All Accounts] to temporarily suspend the use of this machine by any account.

[Continue Job] is specified by default.

[Custom Pattern Function]

Specify the display pattern of function keys in the Copy, Scan/Fax and User Box modes for each account.

  • [Full Functions]: Displays all function keys.

  • [Standard Functions] (Not displayed in some areas): Displays commonly used function keys.

  • [Basic Functions]: Displays the more basic function keys than [Standard Functions].

  • [Disable]: Account-specific pattern is not configured. The settings of this machines are applied.

You can set this option by selecting [Allow] in [Administrator Settings] - [System Settings] - [Custom Display Settings] - [User/Admin Function Permissions].

[Disable] is specified by default.

  • To change the registered account information, select the registration number and tap [Edit].

  • To delete a registered account, select the registration number and tap [Delete].