* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

LDAP-IC Card Authentication Setting

To display: [Utility][Administrator Settings][User Authentication/Account Track][General Settings][LDAP-IC Card Authentication Setting]

Configure settings for authentication by the LDAP server using the card ID registered on authentication cards in an environment with IC card-based user authentication implemented by connecting an Authentication Unit (IC card type).

You can set this option by selecting [External Server Authentication] or [Main + External Server] in [Administrator Settings] - [User Authentication/Account Track] - [General Settings] - [User Authentication] - [Authentication Method].




Specify whether to enable authentication by the LDAP server using the card ID registered on authentication cards.

To enable authentication, register the LDAP server. If you group two servers, you can switch to another server to perform authentication when a server shuts down. For details, refer to "Newly registering and editing authentication server" shown below.

[OFF] is specified by default.

Newly registering and editing authentication server



[Server Name]

Enter the name of your authentication server group (using up to 32 characters).

Assign a name that helps you easily identify the authentication server group.

[1st Server Registration]

Register the primary server in the server group.

For details, refer to "Settings of [1st Server Registration]" shown below.

[2nd Server Setting]

Configure a setting to connect to the secondary server when the machine cannot be connected to the primary server.

For details, refer to "Settings of [2nd Server Setting]" shown below.

[Round Robin function]

Select whether to alternately connect to the primary and secondary servers.

If you select [Enable], you can alternately connect the primary and secondary servers to distribute the server load.

[Disable] is specified by default.

[External Server Authentication]

Select the external authentication server group used to associate the LDAP-IC card authentication.

When LDAP-IC card authentication succeeds, user authentication information is registered on the machine to manage users on the machine. This authentication information includes the user name and external authentication server name. The external authentication server name selected here is registered on the machine together with the user name.

[Card Information Registration Settings]

When authentication is performed on the machine using an IC card not registered in the LDAP server, select whether to register the IC card in the LDAP server.

If [ON] is selected, configure the following settings.

  • [1st Server]: Tap [User Name Attribute], then specify the attribute such as "uid" that is to be searched as the user name.

  • [2nd Server]: Tap [Same as 1st Server] to use the same setting as for the primary server. To use a setting different from that of the primary server, tap [User Name Attribute], then specify the attribute that is to be searched as the user name.

  • [Sequential Server Card Registration]: Specify the server to register card information in. If you select [Primary Server for Card Registration], card information is registered in the server with authentication succeeded among the primary and secondary servers.

[OFF] is specified by default.

[Card Info. Character Type During Search]

Select the search string conversion method to search for the card ID via the LDAP server.

When the target card attribute information on the server is unified into upper and lower case letters, in some cases, you can convert the character type of the search string and subsequently reduce the search speed.

  • [Uppercase/Lowercase]: Converts the card ID into upper or lower case letters to carry out a search.

  • [Uppercase Letters]: Converts the card ID to uppercase letters to carry out a search.

  • [Lowercase Letters]: Converts the card ID to lowercase letters to carry out a search.

[Uppercase/Lowercase] is specified by default.

Settings of [1st Server Registration]



[Setting Up LDAP]

Register the LDAP server to be used for authenticating the user ID of the IC card.

Tap [Check Connection] to try connecting to the LDAP server using the entered information and check if the information registered is correct.

Tap [Reset All Settings] to reset all the information entered.

[User Name Acquisition]

Select how to obtain the user name when logging in to this machine.

  • [Use Card ID]: Select this option when only IC card information is registered on the server. Uses the card ID in the IC card as the user name.

  • [Acquiring]: Select this option when user information other than IC card information is registered on the server. Uses the user name obtained from the server. Enter the attribute to be searched as the user name ("uid") at [User Name Attribute].

[Use Card ID] is specified by default.


If necessary, change the time-out time to limit a communication with the LDAP server.

[60 sec.] is specified by default.

[Search Attribute]

Enter attributes for the place in which you have entered IC card information (using up to 64 characters).

The attribute must start with an alphabet character.

[uid] is specified by default.

[Search Directory Service]

If you select [Active Directory], you can limit a search target for authentication to users. However, when a search target for authentication is limited to users, search target identification processing occurs on the server side, so the authentication time may be delayed. This function is available when the authentication server is set to Active Directory (Windows Server 2008 or later).

[Other] is specified by default.

[Server Address]

Enter the LDAP server address.

Use one of the following formats.

  • Example of host name entry: "host.example.com"

  • Example of IP address (IPv4) entry: ""

  • Example of IP address (IPv6) entry: "fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16"

[Search Base 1] to [Search Base 3]

Specify the starting point to search for a user to be authenticated.

  • [Search Base]: Specify the starting point to search for a target (using up to 255 characters).
    Example of entry: "cn=users,dc=example,dc=com"

  • [Search Range]: Select a tree search range. [Full Tree] is specified by default.
    Selecting [Full Tree] makes a search, including the tree structure under the entered starting point. Selecting [Next hierarchy only] searches for only one level directly beneath the entered starting point. In this case, the level at the starting point is not included as a search target.

[SSL Setting]

Specify whether or not to use SSL for communication with the LDAP server.

[OFF] is specified by default.

[Port Number]

If necessary, change the LDAP server port number.

In normal circumstances, you can use the original port number.

[389] is specified by default.

[Port Number (SSL)]

If necessary, change the SSL communication port number.

In normal circumstances, you can use the original port number.

[636] is specified by default.

[Certificate Verification Level Settings]

To validate the certificate during SSL communication, select items to be verified.

  • [Expiration Date]: Confirm whether the certificate is within the validity period. [Confirm] is specified by default.

  • [Key Usage]: Confirm whether the certificate is used according to the intended purpose approved by the certificate issuer. [Do Not Confirm] is specified by default.

  • [Chain]: Confirm whether there is a problem in the certificate chain (certificate path). The chain is validated by referencing the external certificates managed on this machine. [Do Not Confirm] is specified by default.

  • [Expiration Date Confirmation]: Confirm whether the certificate has expired. [Do Not Confirm] is specified by default.

  • [CN]: Confirm whether CN (Common Name) of the certificate matches the server address. [Do Not Confirm] is specified by default.

[Authentication Type]

Select the authentication method to log in to the LDAP server.

Select one appropriate for the authentication method used for your LDAP server.

  • [Simple]

  • [Digest-MD5]


  • [NTLM v1]

  • [NTLM v2]

[Simple] is specified by default.

[Referral Setting]

Select whether to use the referral function, if necessary.

Make an appropriate choice to fit the LDAP server environment.

[ON] is specified by default.

[Login Name]

Log in to the LDAP server, and enter the user name to search for a user (using up to 64 characters).

In this step, enter the user (name) that belongs to a specific administrator group on the LDAP server.


Enter the password of the user you entered into [Login Name] (using up to 64 characters).

[Domain Name]

Enter the domain name to log in to the LDAP server (using up to 64 characters).

If [GSS-SPNEGO] is selected for [Authentication Type], enter the domain name of Active Directory.

Settings of [2nd Server Setting]




Select whether to use the secondary server.

[OFF] is specified by default.

[Reconnection Set.]

Configure a setting to connect to the secondary server when the machine cannot be connected to the primary server. When the round-robin function is enabled, this setting can also be used to connect to the primary server when the machine cannot be connected to the secondary server.

  • [Reconnect for every login]: Connects to the primary server each time authentication is carried out on this machine. If the primary server is shutting down, this machine is connected to the secondary server.

  • [Set Reconnect Interval]: Connects to the secondary server when the primary server is shutting down at the time the machine is being authenticated. After this, this machine is connected to the secondary server when machine authentication is occurring until the time specified in [Reconnection Time] lapses. After the time specified in [Reconnection Time] has lapsed, this machine is reconnected to the primary server when machine authentication is occurring.

[Set Reconnect Interval] is specified by default.

[2nd Server Reg.]

Register the secondary server.

For details, refer to "Settings of [1st Server Registration]" shown above.

To extract the primary server setting and configure the secondary server setting, tap [Retrieve from 1st Server].