Registers new account track data.
Up to 1,000 account track data can be registered.
The following settings are required to use this function.
It is not possible to register the account name or password duplicated with existing data.
Enter the account name, password, and setting values using single-byte alphanumeric characters. Up to 8 single-byte alphanumeric characters can be entered.
If [Account Track Input Method] of this system is set to [Account Name & Password], be sure to register the account name.
If [Account Track Input Method] of this system is set to [Password Only], be sure to register the password.
When it is set to [Total Allowance], the maximum number of sheets including both [Color] and [Black] is managed. When it is set to [Individual Allowance], the maximum number of sheets for each of [Color] and [Black] is managed.
Range: 1 to 99,999,999
When [Management System] is set to [Total Allowance], this value is set to the maximum number of sheets for the sum of color and black.
If you select the [No Limit] check box, the entered number returns to "0", which does not set the upper limit.
Range: 1 to 99,999,999
Valid only when [Management System] is set to [Individual Allowance].
If you select the [No Limit] check box, the entered number returns to "0", which does not set the upper limit.
Set whether to allow use of the [Copy], [Scan], [Print], or [User Box] operation.
For details, refer to [Function Permission] in [Edit].
The [Registered as follows] is displayed, and the new data is registered in this system.
If the setting is incorrect, an error message is displayed. Confirm the contents, and retry processing.
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