Switching the corresponding switch numbers resolves phenomena or requirements described in the software memory switch setting list.
Switching the corresponding switch numbers resolves phenomena or requirements described in the following list.
All the software memory switches are set to [Off] by default. Changing from [Off] to [On] may resolve a problem that occurred.
Switch No. | Problem/Requirement | Solution reached when turned On |
43 | If MIB (kmNetHttpdEnable) is changed from "disable" to "enable", the network setting, [HTTP Server Settings], on the Touch panel is set to [ON], but the setting on Web Connection is not changed. Select whether the setting on the Touch panel synchronizes the setting on Web Connection. | Setting value [Off]: Does not synchronize the Touch panel and Web Connection. [On]: Synchronizes the Touch panel and Web Connection. |
44 | Sub folders should be checked when performing SMB browsing of computers that have many shared folders. | Checks the subfolder box. However, this may take several minutes. |
62/63 | The status notification email indicating completion of a job should be sent. | Sends a notification mail to the administrator's address with the following settings. Setting value 62/63 = [Off]/[Off]: Does not send a notification email. 62/63 = [Off]/[On]: Always sends a notification email to the administrator's address. 62/63 = [On]/[Off]: Sends a notification email to the administrator's address only when an error occurs. |
83 | Select whether to save scan data sent to the OpenAPI application (Dispatcher Phoenix) in separate files for each page, or all in one file. | Setting value [Off]: Divides a file page-by-page. [On]: Collectively outputs all pages as a single file. The following formats can be used to save scan data in separate files for each page, or all in one file.
120 | A color space should be set by the Real Time Mode Twain driver. | Sets the following. [Off]: sRGB [On]: Adobe RGB |
121/122 | Special original settings such as Same Width should be allowed by the Real Time Mode Twain driver. | Sets the following. 121/122 = [Off]/[Off]: Normal 121/122 = [On]/[Off]: Same Width 121/122 = [Off]/[On]: Different Width 121/122 = [On]/[On]: Z-Folded |
123 | Thin paper should be set by the Real Time Mode Twain driver. | Sets the following. [Off]: Normal mode [On]: Thin Paper |
135 | A notification email should be sent to the email address specified in "Status Notification Setting" under [Network Setting] - [NIC Settings] - [Detail Settings] at the times specified in "Job started" and "Job finished". | Setting value [Off]: Does not send a notification email. [On]: Sends a notification email. Restrictions A notification email can only be sent to "E-mail address 1". |
164 | To send scanned data using email after login when [Authentication Method] of [User Authentication] is set to [External Server], the address of this email should be set to the administrator address of this system. | Changes the sender address of the email sent. Setting value [Off]: Disable (The address is specified to suit the environment (for example, the authentication user's address is specified).) [On]: Enable (The administrator address of this system is specified.) |
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