HomeNetwork FaxResending a Fax

Resending a Fax

Auto resending (Auto redial)

If a fax transmission fails due to a network or recipient machine problem, the machine automatically resends (redials) the fax after a certain period of time has elapsed. By default, the machine redials up to three times at three-minute intervals.

  • You can change the number of redials to take place in auto redialing. For details, refer to Here.

  • You can change the automatic redial interval (default: [3 min.]). For details, refer to Here.

Manual resending

A failed fax transmission is handled as reserved job pending for resending (redial).

Pending jobs for resending are resent automatically after a certain period of time has elapsed using the auto redial function. However, you can manually resend the fax.

  1. Tap [Job List].

  2. Select a job you wish to resend then tap [Redial].

  3. Press the Start key.

    Transmission begins.