Managing the maximum number of printable pages

Managing the maximum number of printable pages by user

Employing User Authentication enables you to specify the maximum number of printable pages by user. Also, you can set the upper limit of the number of User Boxes that can be registered.

Management of the upper limit of copies by user depending on the usage status of this machine encourages users to develop an awareness of costs and also contributes to cost reduction.

Select [User Auth/Account Track] - [User Authentication Setting] - [User Registration] - [Edit] - [Max. Allowance Set] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Total Allowance]

Set the total number of printable pages (default: OFF).

[Individual Allowance]

Specify the number of printable pages separately for [Color] and [Black] (default: OFF).

[Box Administration]

Specify the number of registerable User Boxes (default: OFF).

  • To use the external authentication server, user information is registered once you execute authentication. To set the upper limit, edit user information registered on this machine.

Managing the maximum number of printable pages by account

Employing Account Track enables you to specify the maximum number of printable pages by account. Also, you can set the upper limit of the number of User Boxes that can be registered.

Management of the upper limit of printable pages by account depending on the usage status of this machine encourages accounts to develop an awareness of costs and also contributes to cost reduction.

Select [User Auth/Account Track] - [Account Track Settings] - [Account Track Registration] - [Edit] - [Max. Allowance Set] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Total Allowance]

Set the total number of printable pages (default: OFF).

[Individual Allowance]

Specify the number of printable pages separately for [Color] and [Black] (default: OFF).

[Box Administration]

Specify the number of registerable User Boxes (default: OFF).