To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [One-Touch/User Box Registration]
      • [Create One-Touch Destination]
        • [Address Book (Public)]
          • [FTP]
            • [New]

Register destination FTP server host names or IP addresses.

Destination registration number. [No.] is automatically registered using an unused smaller number. If you want to specify a number, tap [No.] and enter the number within the range of 1 to 2000.
Enter the destination name to be displayed on the Touch Panel (using up to 24 characters).
Assign a name that helps you easily identify the destination.
[Sort Character]
Enter the same name as the registered name (using up to 24 characters).
You can sort destinations by registration name.
Select a corresponding character so that the destination can be index-searched by registration name.
  • If an alphabet character is specified for the initial of a registration name, search text is automatically specified with the alphabet character. If anything other than alphabet character is specified for the initial of a registration name, [etc] is specified by default.
  • For a frequently used destination, also select [Favorites]. If [Favorites] is selected, the destination will appear in the main screen in fax/scan mode, enabling the user to easily select a destination.
[Host Address]
Enter the host name or IP address of the destination FTP server with up to 63 bytes.
  • Host name entry example: ""
  • Example of IP address (IPv4) entry: ""
  • Example of IP address (IPv6) entry: "fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16"
[File Path]
Enter the name of a destination folder in the FTP server specified in [Host Address] with up to 127 bytes.
  • Entry example: "scan"
When not specifying a file path, enter a slash "/".
[User ID]
If authentication is required in the destination FTP server, enter the login-enabled user name (using up to 64 characters).
Enter the password of the user specified in [User ID].
When authentication is not required for the destination FTP server, press [ON].
[OFF] is specified by default.
When the PASV mode is used in your environment, press [ON].
[OFF] is specified by default.
When a proxy server is used in your environment, press [ON].
[OFF] is specified by default.
[Port Number]
If necessary, change the port number.
In normal circumstances, you can use the original port number.
[21] is specified by default.
  • To check the settings for a registered destination, select its registered name, then tap [Check Job Set.].
  • To change the settings for a registered destination, select its registered name, then tap [Edit].
  • To delete a registered destination, select its registered name, then tap [Delete].