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Color/Grayscale Multi-Value Compression Method

To display: [Utility][Administrator][Fax Settings][Network Fax Setting][Color/Grayscale Multi-Value Compression Method]

Change the default compression type of when sending full-color or gray-scale image data by Internet fax or IP address fax (default: [JPEG (Color)]).

  • [JPEG (Color)]: Compresses image data in color JPEG format.

  • [JPEG (Gray Scale)]: Compresses image data in black and white JPEG format.

  • [Unset]: Compress data according to the compression type specified in [Black Compression Level]. You cannot send data in color or gray scale. Whichever file format you specify, data is converted to the TIFF format.

  • Data is converted to the compact PDF format using the technique unique to this machine.