* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

RX Data Deletion Restriction Settings

To display: [Utility][Administrator][Fax Settings][Function Setting][RX Data Deletion Restriction Settings]

Restrict a deletion of fax documents in the Memory RX User Box or a deletion of fax receive jobs from the job display screen.

Two methods are available to restrict deletions.

  • Ask the user to enter the password when deleting to enable deletion when the entered password matches the password that is pre-registered on this machine.

  • Allow a deletion when a user logs in with User Box administrator or administrator privileges.



[RX Data Deletion Restriction Settings]

When restricting deletion of the received fax, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

[Password Deletion]

To restrict deletion of received faxes with a password, enter the password (using up to eight digits).

[Administrator User Box Deletion]

Makes a restriction to delete received faxes only when a user logs in with User Box administrator or administrator privileges.

[Administrator User Box Deletion] is displayed when User Authentication or Account Track is enabled and User Box Administrator is specified.