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Server Backup Setting

To display: [Utility][Administrator][Maintenance][Backup Setting Information][Server Backup Setting]

Configure settings to back up setting data to the server.



[Backup Function Usage Setting]

When backing up setting data to the server, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

[TX Protocol]

Select the protocol to communicate with the server, then specify parameters.

  • [SMB]: Select this item to back up data to the SMB server. In [SMB Setting], enter the host name of the server and the path of the sharing folder as well as the user name and password of the user with access rights.

  • [HTTP]: Select this item to back up data to the WebDAV server. In [HTTP Settings], enter the URL of the WebDAV folder as well as the user name and password of the user with access rights. Also, select whether to use a proxy server.

[Auto Backup Settings]

Configure a setting to periodically make a backup copy.

  • [Auto Backup Settings]: Select whether to periodically make a backup copy (default: [OFF]).

  • [Interval of Day(s)]: Specify the interval of days to make a backup copy, and specify the time in [Backup Time] (default: [1] day, [0] hour [0] min.).

  • [Weekly Frequency]: Specify a day of the week to make a backup copy, and specify the time in [Backup Time] (default: [Sun] day of the week, [0] hour [0] min.).

[Backup Target]

Select backup data.

[Password is changed.]

Select whether to change the password.

  • [Encryption Password]: Enter the password to encrypt backup data (using up to 64 characters).

[Last backup date]

Displays the latest date when server backup has been performed. Also, the backup result history is displayed.

[Immediate backup]

Manually execute server backup.