* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

Basic Setting

To display: [Utility][Utility][Copier Settings][Basic Setting]

Configure the basic settings for copy operations.



[Auto Zoom for Combine/Booklet]

Select whether to adjust the image automatically to optimal zoom ratio when you specify [Combine] or [Booklet] and select [Auto] for [Paper] (default: [Auto Display Zoom]).

  • [Auto Display Zoom]: Automatically adjusts to the optimal zoom ratio. The following zoom ratios are specified according to the function.
    <Inch area>
    [2in1], [Booklet]: 64.7%
    [4in1]: 50.0%
    [8in1]: 32.3%
    <Centimeter area>
    [2in1], [Booklet]: 70.7%
    [4in1]: 50.0%
    [8in1]: 35.3%

  • [Off]: Select this option to specify a zoom ratio manually.

[Default Copy Settings]

Change the default settings (settings when the power is turned on, or the Reset key is used) in the copy mode (default: [Factory Default]).

You can change the setting by selecting [Current Setting] after the setting in the copy mode is changed.

[Default Enlarge Display Settings]

When Enlarge Display is selected, change the default settings (settings when the power is turned on, or the Reset key is used) in the copy mode (default: [Factory Default]).

You can change the setting by selecting [Current Setting] after the setting in the copy mode is changed.

[When AMS Direction is Incorrect]

When you have selected [Auto] in [Zoom], select whether to print the original even if the original loading direction is different from the paper direction (default: [Print]).

  • [Print]: Makes prints regardless of the original loading direction.

  • [Delete Job]: Deletes the job if the original loading direction is different from the paper direction.

This option is enabled when [Enlargement Rotation] is set to OFF.

[Separate Scan Output Method]

Select the timing to start printing when scanning an original by specifying [Separate Scan] (default: [Page Print]).

  • [Page Print]: Starts printing while the original is being scanned. Select this option if you want to focus on efficiency.

  • [Batch Print]: Starts printing after all originals were scanned. You can delete data before printing begins if you find an incorrect setting etc.

[Enlargement Rotation]

When using the enlargement rotation function, set this option to ON (default: ON).

Using the enlargement rotation function, you can include an enlarged image in the paper range by rotating it when the lengthwise size of the image enlarged by the enlarged copy function exceeds the paper size.

[Select Tray for Insert Sheet]

Configure the default paper tray loaded with paper when the [Cover Sheet], [Insert Sheet], or [Chapters] is set (default: [Tray 2]).

[Auto Booklet Selection for Saddle Stitching]

When you have specified [Center Staple & Fold] or [Half-Fold], select whether to specify [Booklet] automatically (default: [Auto Select Booklet]).

  • [Auto Select Booklet]: Automatically sets [Booklet].

  • [User Defined]: Displays a confirmation message that asks users to select whether to specify [Booklet].

  • [Off]: Does not set [Booklet].

[Booklet shortcut mode setting]

Select whether to automatically set the Booklet function to ON when the setting screen for [Booklet] is displayed (default: OFF).

[Select Tray for Paper Insertion function.]

When automatically selecting Bypass Tray as the paper tray while paper is loaded in the Bypass Tray, select [Bypass Tray] (default: [Bypass Tray]).

The paper tray is changed to the Bypass Tray when paper is loaded into the Bypass Tray, and the paper setting screen is displayed.

[Auto Zoom (Platen)]

If you want to set [Zoom] to [Auto] when selecting paper for copying after loading an original on the Original Glass, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

[Auto Zoom (ADF)]

If you want to set [Zoom] to [Auto] when selecting paper for copying after loading an original on the ADF, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[Specify Default Tray when APS Off]

Select a paper tray to switch to after releasing the selection of [Auto] for [Paper] (default: [Tray Before APS ON]).

  • [Tray Before APS ON]: Switches to the paper tray specified before releasing the selection of [Auto].

  • [Default Tray]: Switches to Tray 1.

[Tri-Fold Print Side]

Specify whether to have tri-folded copies ejected with the print side folded inward or outward (default: [Inside]).

[Print Jobs During Copy Operation]

Select the operation to be performed when a print job or fax job is received during copy operations on the Touch Panel (default: [Print]).

  • [Print]: Immediately prints a print or fax job.

  • [Receive Only]: Prints a print or fax job after copy operations are completed.

[Automatic Image Rotation]

Select the setting in which the image is to be automatically rotated if the original orientation is different from the paper orientation (default: [When Auto Paper/Auto Zoom is set]).

  • [When Auto Paper/Auto Zoom/Reduce is set]: The original image is automatically rotated when [Paper] is set to [Auto], and [Zoom] to [Auto] or Reduce.

  • [When Auto Paper/Auto Zoom is set]: The original image is automatically rotated when [Paper] is set to [Auto], and [Zoom] to [Auto].

  • [When Auto Zoom/Reduce is set]: The original image is automatically rotated when [Zoom] is set to [Auto] or Reduce.

  • [When Auto Zoom is set]: The original image is automatically rotated when [Zoom] is set to [Auto].

  • The following settings are displayed when the setting change privilege is assigned to users in [Administrator Security Levels] ( [Administrator Security Levels] ).
    [Auto Zoom (Platen)], [Auto Zoom (ADF)], [Specify Default Tray when APS Off], [Tri-Fold Print Side], [Print Jobs During Copy Operation], [Automatic Image Rotation]