Sending (Basic Operation Flow)

  1. Load the original.

  2. Tap [IP Address Fax] on the home screen.

  3. Specify the destination.

    supplementary explanationFor details on how to specify a destination, refer to [Specifying a Destination] .

  4. Specify transmission options as needed.

    supplementary explanationFor details on option settings, refer to [Transmission Option Settings] .

  5. Use the Start key to start transmission.

    supplementary explanationUsing the Stop key enables you to stop scanning the original. A list of the currently stopped jobs is displayed. To stop transmission, select the target job from the list, and delete it.


Specifying a Destination

Directly entering the destination

Directly enter destination information.

  1. Tap [+].

  2. Enter destination information.




    Enter the destination address.

    • If [IP Address (Host Name)] is selected for [Address Type], enter the destination IP address or host name.
      Example to enter the IP address (IPv4): ""
      Example to enter the IP address (IPv6): "fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16"
      Example to enter the host name: "" (Include the domain name to enter.)

    • If [E-mail Address] is selected for [Address Type], enter the destination E-mail address. To specify a destination using an E-mail address, enter the recipient's IP address following "ipaddrfax@". To enter an IP address, enclose it with brackets [ ].
      Example to enter the IP address (IPv4): "ipaddrfax@[]"
      Example to enter the IP address (IPv6): "ipaddrfax@[fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16]"
      The host name cannot be entered following symbol "@" of the E-mail address.

    [Address Type]

    Select the format to specify the destination address (default: [IP Address (Host Name)]).

    [Port number]

    If necessary, change the port number (default: [25]).

    [Machine Type of Destination]

    Select whether the destination machine supports the color mode (default: [Monochrome]).

  3. Tap [OK].

Using Address Book

Selecting the Destination tab () displays a list of destinations registered on this machine. Switch the display using an index, and specify the target destination. For details, refer to [Using Address Book] .

Searching for the registered destination

Tapping the Search tab () displays the destination search screen. If a large number of destinations are registered, the system searches for the registered name of the destination or characters of the address to find the target destination. For details, refer to [Searching for the registered destination] .

Using Job History

Tapping the History tab () displays a list of transmission logs. Specify the target destination from the previous five job histories. For details, refer to [Using Job History] .