Adding a Stamp/Page Number (Application Settings)

Adding the date and time ([Date/Time])

Select the stamping position and representation, and add the date and time the original is scanned.

The date and time can be printed either on all pages or only on the first page.

For details, refer to [Date/Time] .

Adding a page number ([Page Number])

Select the stamping position and format, and add page and chapter numbers.

Page and chapter numbers are printed on all pages.

For details, refer to [Page Number] .

Adding a stamp ([Stamp])

Text such as "PLEASE REPLY" and "DO NOT COPY" are printed on the first page or all pages. You can select the text to be added from the registered fix stamps and arbitrary registered stamps.

Since text is added without the original being modified, it is convenient to handle important documents on which additions or modifications are not permitted.

For details, refer to [Stamp] .

Adding information to the header/footer ([Header/Footer])

Add the date, time and any other desired text in the top and bottom margins (header/footer) of the specified page. You must register the information to be added for the header and footer in advance on this machine.

For details, refer to [Header/Footer] .

Related setting (for the administrator)