Add meta- information such as a title or author as PDF file properties when sending a PDF file. When encrypting a file, select whether to target properties for encryption.
To configure PDF file properties, select [PDF] or [Compact PDF] as the file type, and select [PDF Detail Setting] - [PDF Document Properties]. Then, configure the following settings.
Setting | Description |
[Name] | Set [Use File Name as the Title] to OFF to enter a title of a PDF file (using up to 64 characters). |
[Author] | Enter the name of the author of a PDF file (using up to 64 characters). If user authentication is installed on this machine, specify the user name as the author. |
[Subject] | Enter a subject of a PDF file (using up to 64 characters). |
[Keyword(s)] | Enter a keyword of a PDF file (using up to 64 characters). |
To use this function, an option is required. For details on the required option, refer to Here.