* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

Password Copy

To display: [Classic Style][Copy][Application][Copy Security][Password Copy]

Password Copy is a copy protection function that prints concealed security watermarks such as "Private" or a date in the background to prevent unauthorized copying, and embeds a password for the password copy function on all printed sheets.

If an attempt is made using a device that supports the password copy function to copy a sheet that has been prepared for password copy, a password copy pattern is scanned and entry of a password is requested. Copying starts if the correct password is entered.




Select [ON] to set Password Copy.


Enter the password to restrict copying.

[Stamp Setting]

Set a stamp to be printed on each paper.

[Stamp Text]

Select a stamp used. The date and time can also be printed.

  • [Preset Stamp]: Select a preset stamp to be printed.

  • [Date/Time]: Select a format (type) of date and time to be printed. The date/time when the original was scanned is stamped on the paper.

  • [Other]: Specify the job number, the machine's serial number, and distribution control number to be printed.

[Stamp Selection]

The registration status of the stamp is displayed.

[Detail Setting]

If necessary, select the text printing format.

[Password Copy Pattern]

Specify the contract of password copy guard pattern if necessary.

[Background Pattern]

Select a background pattern.

  • To use this function, an option is required. For details on the required option, refer to [Copy options] .

  • To use this function, select [Copy Security] ( [Copy Security] ), and set [Password Copy] to ON.

  • The Password Copy function does not support color paper, envelopes and transparencies.