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Bonjour Setting

To display: [Utility][Administrator][Network][Bonjour Setting]

Configure the Bonjour operating environment when using this machine in the Mac OS control.

Enabling the Bonjour function on this machine enables the computer to automatically detect this networked machine and display it in the list as a printer that can be added.




When using Bonjour, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

[Bonjour Name]

Enter a Bonjour name that is to be displayed as the name of connected device (using up to 63 characters).

[Wide-Area Bonjour]

When using Wide-Area Bonjour, set this option to ON (default: ON).

You can detect this machine across segments from the computer while the machine and computer are connected to different networks.

To use Wide-Area Bonjour, you need to specify the DNS server address you are using.