* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

Card Shot

To display: [Utility][Utility][Copier Settings][Card Shot]

Specify the default for [ID Card Shot] of copy mode.




Select the default setting where to place the front and back sides of a card (default: [Top/Bottom]).

  • [Top/Bottom]: Place the front side on the top and the back side on the bottom of the paper.

  • [Left/Right (Upper Half)]: Place the front side on the upper left and the back side on the upper right of paper.

  • [Left/Right]: Place the front side on the left and the back side on the right of paper.


Select the default zoom ratio for copying (default: [Full Size]).

  • [Full Size]: Makes a copy that fits to the original size.

  • [x1.0]: Copy with the same size as the card.

[Store Original Size1] to [Store Original Size4]

Register the card size frequently used for copy. The registered size can be recalled on the [ID Card Shot] setting screen.