Optional Settings

Registering a frequently used destination

Pre-registering a frequently used destination, this machine will save you the trouble of having to enter it each time you send data.

For details on the registration procedure, refer to [Registering an Internet fax destination] .

Registering the LDAP server used to search for a destination

If the LDAP server or the Active Directory of Windows Server is used for user management, you can search for destination information registered in the server and specify the desired destination.

For details on the registration procedure, refer to [Configuring Settings to Search for a Destination via the LDAP Server] .

Registering prefixes and suffixes for destination

Register a prefix and suffix of an E-mail address.

If a domain contains a large number of E-mail addresses, register a character string (domain name) following an "@" (at mark). By registering a domain name, you can recall the registered domain name to complement E-mail address entry. This will help to prevent input errors of E-mail addresses with long domain names.

For details on the registration procedure, refer to [Registering a prefix and suffix of each destination] .

Registering a subject and text of the successfully received E-mail message

When the destination machine receives an Internet fax, first the fax is printed, then the document that notifies the successful reception of the E-mail message (successful reception E-mail) is printed. This document contains the subject and text that are specified when the fax is sent from this machine.

For details on the registration procedure, refer to [Registering the subject and body of an E-mail] .