Sending a Data by Recalling a Program

About Scan/Fax program

Program is a function to register a combination of frequently used option settings as a recall key. The program to be registered in scan/fax mode is referred to as a scan/fax program.

When you register a Scan/Fax program, you can recall the combination of option settings from the main screen with a single key action. You can also include a destination in program registration.

Registering a Scan/Fax program

You can register up to 400 Scan/Fax programs.

If 400 Scan/Fax programs are already registered, delete unnecessary Scan/Fax programs before registering a new program.

  1. Display the Scan/Fax screen of classic style.

    supplementary explanationFor details on how to display the screen, refer to [Displaying the Scan/Fax Screen] .

  2. Specify transmission options as needed.

    supplementary explanationRegister the settings configured here as a program.

  3. Tap [Program].

  4. Select an unregistered key, and also tap [Register].

  5. Enter the program name, and tap [OK].

    supplementary explanationSpecify the destination in [Address] as necessary.




    Enter the name of the program (using up to 24 characters).


    Specify whether you want to include a destination for the program.

    Specify either by direct input or by selecting among the destinations registered on this machine. Only one destination can be specified.

    [URL Notif. Destination]

    You can send the E-mail message that contains the save location of the original data to the specified E-mail address. You can use this function for SMB Send, FTP Send, WebDAV Send, and Save in User Box.

    To notify the save location of the original data, select [URL Notif. Destination], and specify the E-mail address to which you want to send the E-mail message.

  • For Scan/Fax program, in addition to normal program, temporary program for temporary use is also available. Temporary program is registered using Web Connection. By specifying a sending setting in advance, you can simplify the operation when sending data on this machine. A temporary one-touch destination is deleted once data is sent to the registered destination or when the machine is turned OFF.

  • Up to 10 temporary programs can be registered. If 10 temporary programs are already registered, delete unnecessary temporary programs before registering a new program.


Sending after recalling the scan/fax program

  1. Load the original.

  2. Display the Scan/Fax screen of classic style.

    supplementary explanationFor details on how to display the screen, refer to [Displaying the Scan/Fax Screen] .

  3. Tap [Program].

  4. Select the program you want to recall, and tap [Recall].

    The registered content of a program is applied.

  5. Specify a destination if no destination is registered in Program.

  6. Use the Start key to start transmission.

    supplementary explanationIf necessary, tap [Check Setting] before transmission, and check the specified destination and settings.

    supplementary explanationUsing the Stop key enables you to stop scanning the original. A list of the currently stopped jobs is displayed. To stop transmission, select the target job from the list, and delete it.