* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

E-mail TX (SMTP)

To display: [Utility][Administrator][Network][E-mail Setting][E-mail TX (SMTP)]

Configure the settings to send an E-mail from this machine.



[E-mail TX Setting]

When sending E-mails from this machine, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[E-Mail Send]

When using the Scan to E-mail function, set this option to ON (default: ON).

Using this function allows you to send the scanned original data as an E-mail attachment.

[E-mail Notification]

When using the E-mail notification function, set this option to ON (default: ON).

If a warning occurs on this machine that instructs the user to add paper, replace toner, or resolve a paper jam, it can be sent to a registered E-mail address.

[Total Counter Notification]

When using the total counter notification function, set this option to ON (default: ON).

Using this function allows you to send counter information managed by this machine to the registered E-mail address.

[SMTP Server Address]

Enter the address of the E-mail server (SMTP). Use one of the following formats.

  • Example to enter the host name: "host.example.com"

  • Example to enter the IP address (IPv4): ""

  • Example to enter the IP address (IPv6): "fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16"

[SSL/TLS Settings]

Select the method to encrypt communications with the E-mail server (SMTP) (default: [OFF]). This option supports SMTP over SSL and Start TLS.

[Port No.]

If necessary, change the port number of the E-mail server (SMTP) (default: [25]).

[Port No.(SSL)]

If necessary, change the port number for SSL communication (default: [465]).

This option is available when [SMTP over SSL] is selected for [SSL/TLS Settings].

[Certificate Verification Level Settings]

To validate the certificate during SSL communication, select items to be verified.

  • [Expiration Date]: Confirm whether the certificate is within the validity period (default: ON).

  • [CN]: Confirm whether CN (Common Name) of the certificate matches the server address (default: OFF).

  • [Key Usage]: Confirm whether the certificate is used according to the intended purpose approved by the certificate issuer (default: OFF).

  • [Chain]: Confirm whether there is a problem in the certificate chain (certificate path) (default: OFF). The chain is validated by referencing the external certificates managed on this machine.

  • [Expiration Date Confirmation]: Confirm whether the certificate has expired (default: OFF). The expiration date confirmation is performed in the order of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) service, and CRL (Certificate Revocation List).

[Connection Timeout]

If necessary, change the time-out time to limit a communication with the E-mail server (SMTP) (default: [60] sec.).

[Admin. E-mail Address]

Displays the E-mail address of the administrator of this machine.

[Device Mail Address]

Enter the E-mail address of this machine (using up to 320 characters, excluding spaces).

[Detail Settings]

Configure SMTP authentication or POP before SMTP authentication according to your environment.

[POP Before SMTP]

When using POP before SMTP, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  • [POP Before SMTP Time]: If necessary, change the waiting time until starting E-mail transmission after the POP authentication is successful (default: [5] sec.).

[SMTP Authentication]

When using SMTP authentication, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  • [SMTP Authentication Method]: Select the authentication method to be used for SMTP authentication.

  • [User ID]: Enter the user ID for SMTP authentication (using up to 64 characters).

  • [Password]: Enter the password for SMTP authentication (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

  • [Domain Name]: When Digest-MD5 is specified as the authentication method for SMTP authentication, enter the domain name (realm) (using up to 253 characters).
    When there are two or more domains (realm), enter the domain name. When there is only one domain (realm), no entry is required. The domain name is notified from the E-mail server (SMTP) at the initial communication, and communication is automatically performed using that domain name.

  • [Authentication Setting]: Select whether to synchronize the SMTP authentication with the user authentication of this machine (default: [Set Value]). This item is necessary when the user authentication is installed on this machine.
    [User Authentication]: Uses the registered user's user authentication of this machine as authentication information for SMTP authentication.
    [Set Value]: Uses values entered at [User ID] and [Password]. If SMTP authentication fails because the user who sends an E-mail does not match the user specified in [User ID], set [Envelope-From Setting] to [Set], then enter the E-mail address to be applied to Envelope-From in [From Address]. When [Envelope-From Setting] is set to [Do Not Set], the E-mail address of the administrator of this machine is applied to Envelope-From.

[Server load reduction transmission method]

Select the sending method to reduce the load of the E-mail server (SMTP) (default: [OFF]).

  • [Binary Division]: Divides an E-mail with the specified size. [Binary division Size]: Enter the size to divide an E-mail.

  • [Stop Scan TX when maximum limit is exceeded]: Stops sending an E-mail when its size exceeds the specified maximum value. When specifying the maximum value, select [Limit] in [Max Mail Size], then enter the maximum E-mail size allowable for the E-mail server (SMTP) in [Server Capacity limit].

  • [Scan TX by Download URL method only when maximum limit is exceeded]: Notifies the E-mail address specified as the destination of the download URL without attaching files when the E-mail size exceeds the specified maximum value. When specifying the maximum value, select [Limit] in [Max Mail Size], then enter the maximum E-mail size allowable for the E-mail server (SMTP) in [Server Capacity limit].

  • [Always Scan TX by Download URL method]: Notifies the E-mail address specified as the destination of the download URL without attaching files.