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Store Print Documents Settings

To display: [Utility][Administrator][System Settings][Serverless Pull Printing Settings][Store Print Documents Settings]

Configure settings to use the storage function for serverless pull printing.

If the storage function is enabled, you can store print jobs sent from a computer on the storage machine.



[Store Print Documents]

When using the storage function, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

If [Store Print Documents] is changed from ON to OFF, all print jobs stored on the storage device are deleted.

[Delete after Print Setting]

Select whether to automatically delete print jobs stored on the storage device each time they are executed.

[Document Delete Time Setting]

Specify the time to automatically delete print jobs stored on the storage device.

  • When specifying the time in units of days, select [1 day], [2 days], [3 days], [7 days], or [30 days].

  • When specifying the time in hours, select [Time], then enter the hour value.

  • To keep print jobs on the storage device, select [Save].

[Delete All Documents]

Deletes all print jobs stored on the storage device.

  • This setting is available when the topology function is disabled.