How to Take an Action for Server Authentication Failure

Description of problem

Check points


Cannot perform external server authentication.

Do the date and time specified on the server match those in this machine?

Match the date and time on the server and in this machine.

For details on how to set the date and time of this machine, refer to [Setting the date and time for the machine] .

Can you perform name resolution with the host name?

Enter the DNS server address. For details, refer to [Registering the DNS server] .

Enter the DNS domain name. For details, refer to [Registering the domain name] .

Cannot perform enhanced server authentication.

Is the administrator password specified?

Specify the administrator password. For details, refer to [Changing the administrator password] .

Is the device certificate installed on the machine?

Self-create a device certificate. For details, refer to [Self-creating a certificate] .

Is SSL communication enabled?

In [OpenAPI Settings], set [Use SSL/TLS] to [SSL Only]. For details, refer to [Using SSL communication] .

In [TCP Socket Settings], set [Use SSL/TLS] to enable (select the check box), then restart this machine. For details, refer to [Using SSL communication] .