Main Menu

The main menu in classic style is displayed by switching to the classic style mode. You can customize the keys to be displayed on the main menu freely to suit your requirements.

The main menu can be extended to three screens as necessary. It can show 12 shortcut keys in each screen, and up to 25 shortcut keys in three screens. [Utility] is displayed fixed on the lower right of the first page.

If shortcut keys of frequently-used functions are arranged on the main menu, it helps you quickly access a target function. Furthermore, the background of the main menu can be changed according to your preference.





Main menu keys

Displays shortcut keys assigned to any function. Shortcut keys can be customized freely to suit your requirements.

You can select the [Main Menu Default (Classic Style)] ( [Main Menu Default (Classic style)] ) to change the shortcut keys displayed on the main screen.



Specify accessibility options of the operating environment such as the adjustment of the Touch Panel or a change of the keying sounds.

For details on [Accessibility], refer to [About Accessibility] .



Enables you to check the total number of pages printed on this machine by function.


User/Account Name

This area displays the name of the current login user or the account name when User Authentication or Account Track is enabled. When User Authentication and Account Track are used together, the user name is displayed.



Temporarily changes the language to be displayed on the panel.

This option is displayed when [Temporarily Change Language] ( [Temporary Change Language] ) is set to ON.


[Function Search]

Searches for setting items to go to the target function screen from the search result.


[Job List]

Displays active or standby jobs. If necessary, you can check job logs or print a communication report. This list displays the operation status of the active job when it is running.

For details on [Job List], refer to [Job Screen] .


Page Indicator

Enables you to check which page is currently displayed when main menu keys are assigned to multiple pages.


Page switching key

Switches pages when main menu keys are assigned to multiple pages. Pages can also be switched by dragging or flicking the screen.

Related setting (for the administrator)