Specifying the IP Address

Specify the IP address to connect this machine to the network. The IP address is compatible with IPv4 and IPv6, which can be used simultaneously. Configure the appropriate settings to suit your environment.

Select [Utility] - [Administrator] - [Network] - [TCP/IP Setting] - [TCP/IP Setting1], and configure the following settings.




When enabling TCP/IP, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[Network Speed]

Select the network speed according to your environment (default: [Auto (10M/100M/1Gbps)]).

To specify the IPv4 address, configure the following settings in [IPv4].



[IP Address Setting Method]

Select the method to specify the IP address to this machine according to your environment (default: [Auto Setting]).

To manually specify the IP address, select [Manual Setting]. To automatically specify the IP address using DHCP, select [Auto Setting], and specify the automatic setting method.

[IP Address]

Enter the fixed IP address assigned to the machine when manually specifying the IP address.

[Subnet Mask]

Enter the subnet mask when manually specifying it.

[Default Gateway]

Enter the default gateway when manually specifying it.

To specify the IPv6 address, configure the following settings in [IPv6].




When using IPv6, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[Auto IPv6 Setting]

When automatically specifying the IPv6 global address, set this option to ON (default: ON).

The IPv6 global address is automatically set based on the prefix length notified from the router and the MAC address of this machine.

[DHCPv6 Setting]

When automatically specifying the IPv6 global address using DHCPv6, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[Link-Local Address]

Displays the link-local address. The link-local address is automatically specified from the MAC address of this machine.

[Global Address]

Enter the IPv6 global address when manually specifying it.

[Prefix Length]

Enter the prefix length of the IPv6 global address between 1 and 128 when manually specifying it.

[Gateway Address]

Enter the gateway address when manually specifying it.