Storing Print Jobs on the Storage Machine

Store print jobs on the storage machine.

preconditionCheck that the printer driver and LK-114_ManagerPort required to use the serverless pull printing function are installed on the machine while LK-114_ManagerPort settings are configured.

  1. Open document data using the application. From the [File] menu, select [Print].

  2. Select the MFP set as the storage machine in [Printer Name] (or [Select Printer]), then click [OK].

    Print jobs are sent to the storage machine. When storage processing is completed, the completion window appears.

  3. Click [OK].

  • Up to 100 documents can be stored as print jobs on one storage machine for each user. In total, the storage capacity is 5 GB, and up to 10,000 documents can be stored on one storage machine.

  • User Box Print and Secure Print are not available on the storage machine.