Displaying Web Pages

Specifying a URL

Enter a URL into the address entry field on the toolbar to directly display a target page.

Tapping the text entry field on the toolbar displays the keyboard on the screen. Enter the URL of a desired page, then tap [Enter].

Using the browse history

Select a desired page from a list of pages displayed up till the current time.

Tapping [Menu] - [Log] on the toolbar displays a list of pages displayed up till the current time. Select a desired page from the list, then tap [Same Tab] or [New Tab].

  • To delete a log, you need to enter the administrator password of this machine.
    [Delete All]: Deletes all logs.
    [Delete]: Deletes a selected page from the log list.

  • This machine stores up to 100 page browsing logs.

Displaying Favorites

Select a desired page from a list of favorites registered on this machine.

Tapping [Menu] - [Bookmark] - [Favorites] on the toolbar displays a list of favorites registered on this machine. Select a desired page from the list, then tap [Same Tab] or [New Tab].

  • Tapping [Display Thumbnail] or [Detail View] enables you to switch a method to display a favorites list.

  • Tapping [Edit/Delete] enables you to change the title and URL of a favorite.

  • To delete a favorite, you need to enter the administrator password of this machine.
    [Delete All]: Deletes all favorites.
    [Edit/Delete] - [Delete]: Deletes a selected page from the favorites list.
