Configuring Settings as Needed

Restricting file operations on a Web browser

Select whether to allow file operations in the site displayed on the Web browser.

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [Restricting file operations on a Web browser] .

Specifying the operation to be performed when an SSL certificate verification error occurs

Specify the operation to be performed when an SSL certificate verification error occurs in the destination website.

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [Specifying the operation to be performed when an SSL certificate verification error occurs] .

Configuring settings to display contents

Configure settings to display contents of the Web browser, for example, a setting of the page to display when changing or starting the home page.

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [Configuring settings to display contents] .

Managing bookmarks

Add or edit a bookmark.

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [Managing bookmarks] .

Managing the history

Delete the history of the Web browser.

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [Managing the history] .

Setting Web browser operations

Configure settings for Web browser operations such as proxy or security settings.

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [Setting Web browser operations] .