Acquiring the update file from the distribution server to update this machine and other devices

Acquiring the update file to update this machine

This machine can automatically update its firmware and configuration information.

In this step, configure settings so that this machine monitors the firmware update server on the network at periodic intervals to automatically download and update the latest firmware and configuration information.

  1. Select [Network] - [Machine Update Settings] - [Machine Auto Update Settings] - [Auto Update Settings for This Machine] in administrator mode of Web Connection, then configure the following settings.



    [Auto Update Settings for This Machine]

    When automatically updating firmware of this machine, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    [Download Protocol]

    Select a protocol used to obtain firmware from the firmware update server (default: [SMB]).

    [SMB Setting]

    Configure settings to obtain firmware using the SMB protocol.

    • [Host Name]: Enter the IP address of the firmware update server or the host name (using up to 253 characters, including symbols -, ., and _).

    • [File Path]: Enter the path of the shared folder that contains firmware (using up to 255 characters).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name to connect this machine to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password to connect to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

    • [Number of Retries]: Specify the number of retries to be executed when a connection with the firmware update server has failed (default: [3] times).

    [HTTP Settings]

    Configure settings to obtain firmware using the HTTP protocol (WebDAV).

    • [URL]: Enter the URL of the firmware storage location on the firmware update server (using up to 253 characters, excluding spaces).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name to connect this machine to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password to connect to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

    • [Proxy]: When using a proxy server, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    • [Connection Timeout]: Change the timeout interval for communication with the firmware update server, if required (default: [60] sec.).

    [Update Time]

    Specify the time to start applying the firmware obtained from the firmware update server to this machine. It is advantageous to specify the time when this machine is not operating such as a break time or night time.

    [Polling Settings]

    Specify the interval to check whether the latest firmware exists on the firmware update server (default: [60] min.).

    • [Set Interval.]: Enter the check interval in hours.

    • [Polling Date/Time]: Specify a day of the week and the time to make a check.

    [Retry Interval]

    Specify the interval to retry processing when the system failed to check the latest firmware on the firmware update server (default: [5] min.).

  2. To automatically update configuration information of this machine, select [Network] - [Machine Update Settings] - [Machine Auto Update Settings] - [Machine Update Password] in administrator mode of Web Connection, then enter the password to decode the encrypted configuration file (using up to 32 characters).

  3. If necessary, select [Network] - [Machine Update Settings] - [Machine Auto Update Settings] - [Log TX Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection, then configure a setting to send firmware update logs.



    [Update File Download/Update Log]

    When sending firmware update logs of this machine to another location, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    [TX Protocol]

    Select a protocol to send log data (default: [SMB]).

    [SMB Setting]

    Configure settings to send log data using the SMB protocol.

    • [Host Name]: Enter the host name of the log sending destination (using up to 253 characters, including symbols -, ., :, and _).

    • [File Path]: Enter the path of the shared folder of the log sending destination (using up to 255 characters).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name to log in to the log sending destination (using up to 64 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password to log in to the log sending destination (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

    [WebDAV Settings]

    Configure settings to send log data using the HTTP protocol (WebDAV).

    • [URL]: Enter the URL of the log sending destination (using up to 253 characters, excluding spaces).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name to log in to the log sending destination (using up to 64 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password to log in to the log sending destination (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

    • [Proxy]: When using a proxy server, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  4. Select [Network] - [Machine Update Settings] - [HTTP Proxy Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection as needed, then configure the proxy settings.



    [HTTP Proxy Settings]

    When using a proxy, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    [Proxy Server Address]

    Enter the proxy server address. Use one of the following formats.

    • Example to enter the host name: ""

    • Example to enter the IP address (IPv4): ""

    • Example to enter the IP address (IPv6): "fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16"

    [Proxy Server Port Number]

    If necessary, change the proxy server port number to be used for HTTP (default: [80]).

    [Proxy Authentication]

    Select whether to use Proxy Authentication (default: OFF).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name used for proxy authentication (using up to 32 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password for proxy authentication (using up to 32 characters).

Acquiring the update file on this machine to distribute it to other devices

Configure settings to operate this machine as a relay server.

Operating this machine as a relay server allows you to establish a relay between a different firmware update server on the network and other devices to distribute firmware to them.

If this machine monitors a different firmware update server on the network at periodic intervals and checks that the server contains the latest firmware, firmware is downloaded to the firmware storage area of this machine.

Other devices on the network monitor this machine, which is running as a relay server, at periodic intervals. If the latest firmware exists in the firmware storage area of this machine, firmware is downloaded and updated based on the settings of that device.

In this example, configure settings required when this machine monitors a different firmware update server as well as settings required when other devices access the firmware storage area of this machine.

  1. In the administrator mode, select [Network] - [Machine Update Settings] - [Machine Auto Update Settings] - [Relay Server Function Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection, then configure the following settings.



    [Update File Download Settings]

    When operating this machine as the relay server, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    • [URL]: Enter the URL of the firmware storage location on the firmware update server (using up to 253 characters, excluding spaces).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name to connect this machine to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password to connect to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

    • [Proxy]: When using a proxy server, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    • [Connection Timeout]: Change the timeout interval for communication with the firmware update server, if required (default: [60] sec.).

    • [Polling Settings]: Specify the interval to check whether the firmware update server contains the latest firmware (default: [60] min.).

    • [Number of Retries]: Specify the number of retries to be executed when the final firmware check for the firmware update server has failed (default: [5] times).

    [HTTP Settings]

    When allowing another device on the network to access the firmware storage area of this machine using the HTTP protocol (WebDAV), set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name to connect this machine to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password to connect to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

    [SMB Setting]

    When allowing another device on the network to access the firmware storage area of this machine using the SMB protocol, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name to connect this machine to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password to connect to the firmware update server (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

    • [Update Log Save Folder]: When saving firmware update log data in the shared folder, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    • [SMB Communication Encryption]: When encrypting SMB communications with a client machine for the shared folder of this machine, set this option to ON (default: OFF). Setting to ON allows you to access only from client machines of SMB 3.0 or later.

  2. If necessary, select [Network] - [Machine Update Settings] - [Machine Auto Update Settings] - [Log TX Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection, then configure a setting to send firmware update logs.



    [Relay Update File Download Log]

    When sending log data to another location while this machine operates as a relay server, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    [TX Protocol]

    Select a protocol to send log data (default: [SMB]).

    [SMB Setting]

    Configure settings to send log data using the SMB protocol.

    • [Host Name]: Enter the host name of the log sending destination (using up to 253 characters, including symbols -, ., :, and _).

    • [File Path]: Enter the path of the shared folder of the log sending destination (using up to 255 characters).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name to log in to the log sending destination (using up to 64 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password to log in to the log sending destination (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

    [WebDAV Settings]

    Configure settings to send log data using the HTTP protocol (WebDAV).

    • [URL]: Enter the URL of the log sending destination (using up to 253 characters, excluding spaces).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name to log in to the log sending destination (using up to 64 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password to log in to the log sending destination (using up to 64 characters, excluding ").

    • [Proxy]: When using a proxy server, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  3. Select [Network] - [Machine Update Settings] - [HTTP Proxy Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection as needed, then configure the proxy settings.



    [HTTP Proxy Settings]

    When using a proxy, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

    [Proxy Server Address]

    Enter the proxy server address. Use one of the following formats.

    • Example to enter the host name: ""

    • Example to enter the IP address (IPv4): ""

    • Example to enter the IP address (IPv6): "fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16"

    [Proxy Server Port Number]

    If necessary, change the proxy server port number to be used for HTTP (default: [80]).

    [Proxy Authentication]

    Select whether to use Proxy Authentication (default: OFF).

    • [User Name]: Enter the user name used for proxy authentication (using up to 32 characters).

    • [Password]: Enter the password for proxy authentication (using up to 32 characters).