Web Connection Specifications

Operating Environment




Ethernet (TCP/IP)

Web browser

Microsoft Internet Explorer 10/11

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox latest version

Google Chrome latest version

Safari latest version (Mac OS/iOS)

Microsoft Edge Chromium

  • JavaScript and Cookies must be enabled by your Web browser.

  • Also, you need to enable the MSXML3.0 (Free Threaded XML DOM Document and XSL Template) add-on.

  • When an attempt is made to connect this machine to Web Connection using Safari for iOS via a proxy server, it may cause a connection failure. In this case, change the HTTP setting of the proxy server to HTTP1.1, then retry a connection.

Web Browser Setting

The Web Connection page may not be displayed correctly or changed settings may not be applied depending on your Web browser settings.

Before using Web Connection, confirm the following settings in the Web browser.

  • JavaScript: Must be enabled.

  • Cookies: Must be enabled.

  • The MSXML3.0 (Free Threaded XML DOM Document and XSL Template) add-on must be enabled.

If your PC is connected to the Internet via a proxy server in your network environment, register this machine as an exception under the proxy settings of the Web browser.

  • If you are using Internet Explorer, select [Internet Options] from the [Tools] menu. In the [Connections] tab, click [LAN settings], and click [Advanced] under [Proxy server]. In the [Exceptions] text box, enter the IP address or the host name of this machine and click [OK].

  • If you are using Microsoft Edge, select [Set] - [Network and Internet] - [Ethernet] - [Internet Options] from the Start menu. In the [Connections] tab, click [LAN settings], and click [Advanced] under [Proxy server]. In the [Exceptions] text box, enter the IP address or the host name of this machine and click [OK].

  • If you are using Firefox for Windows, select [Options] from the [Tools] menu. Click [Settings] in the [Network] tab under the [Advanced] menu, and select [Manual proxy configuration]. In the [No Proxy for] text box, enter the IP address or the host name of this machine and click [OK].

  • If you are using Firefox for Mac OS, select [Preferences...] from the [Firefox] menu. Click [Settings...] in the [Network] tab under the [Advanced] menu, and select [Manual proxy configuration]. In the [No Proxy for] text box, enter the IP address or the host name of this machine and click [OK].


If the Web Connection page is not correctly displayed even though the above settings have been configured, the Web browser cache may be the cause of the problem. If that is the case, clear the Web browser cache. For details on how to confirm and change settings, refer to the Help of your Web browser.

  • If you are using Internet Explorer, select [Internet Options] from the [Tools] menu. In [Browsing history] under the [General] tab, click [Delete]. Select [Temporary Internet files], and click [Delete].

  • If you are using Microsoft Edge, select […] - [SETTINGS]. In [Clear browsing data], click [Choose what to clear]. Select the [Cached data and files] check box, then click [Clear].

  • If you are using Firefox for Windows, select [Options] from the [Tools] menu. In the [Network] tab under the [Advanced] menu, click [Clear Now] in the cache section.

  • If you are using Firefox for Mac OS, select [Preferences...] from the [Firefox] menu. In the [Network] tab under the [Advanced] menu, click [Clear Now] in the cache section.