* Enter the name of the utility key. You can search descriptions of utility keys.

SNMP Setting

To display: [Utility][Administrator][Network][SNMP Setting]

Configure the settings to obtain information of this machine or to monitor the machine using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).



[SNMP Setting]

When enabling SNMP, set this option to ON (default: ON).

  • [SNMP v1/v2c(IP)]: When using SNMP v1 or SNMP v2, set this option to ON (default: ON).

  • [SNMP v3(IP)]: When using SNMP v3, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[UDP Port Setting]

If necessary, change the UDP port number (default: [161]).

[SNMP v1/v2c Setting]

Configure SNMP v1/v2c settings.

  • [Read Community Name]: Enter a read-only community name (using 1 to 15 characters, excluding spaces, \, ', ", and #) (default: [public]).

  • [Write Community Name]: When allowing reading and writing, set this option to ON (default: ON). Also enter a community name used for reading and writing (using 1 to 15 characters, excluding spaces, \, ', ", and #) (default: [private]).

[SNMP v3 Setting]

Configure SNMP v3 settings.

  • [Context Name]: Enter the context name (using up to 63 characters, excluding spaces, \, ', ", and #).

  • [Discovery User Name]: When allowing the detection user, set this option to ON (default: ON). Also, enter a user name for detection (using 1 to 32 characters, excluding spaces, \, ', ", and #) (default: [public]).

  • [Read User Name]: Enter a read-only user name (using up to 32 characters, excluding spaces, \, ', ", and #) (default: [initial]).
    [Security Level]: Select a security level of the user in the read-write enable state (default: [auth-password/priv-password]).
    [auth-password]: If [auth-password] or [auth-password/priv-password] is selected from [Security Level], enter an authentication password for the read-only user (using 8 to 32 characters, excluding spaces, \, ', ", and #).
    [priv-password]: If [auth-password/priv-password] is selected from [Security Level], enter a password used for privacy (encryption) of the read-only user (using 8 to 32 characters, excluding spaces, \, ', ", and #).

  • [Write User Name]: Enter the user name of the user in the read-write enable state (using up to 32 characters) (default: [restrict]).
    [Security Level]: Select a security level of the user in the read-write enable state (default: [auth-password/priv-password]).
    [auth-password]: If [auth-password] or [auth-password/priv-password] is selected from [Security Level], enter an authentication password for the read-write enabled user (using 8 to 32 characters, excluding spaces, \, ', ", and #) (default: MAC address of this machine (Alphabetic characters are all in capitals, excluding colons (:))).
    [priv-password]: If [auth-password/priv-password] is selected from [Security Level], enter a password used for privacy (encryption) of the read-write enabled user (using 8 to 32 characters, excluding spaces, \, ', ", and #) (default: MAC address of this machine (Alphabetic characters are all in capitals, excluding colons (:))).

  • [Encryption Algorithm]: Select an encryption algorithm (default: [DES]).

  • [Authentication Method]: Select an authentication algorithm (default: [MD5]).

[TRAP Setting]

Configure settings for the SNMP TRAP function.

  • [Allow Setting]: When allowing a notification of the status of this machine using the SNMP TRAP function, set this option to ON (default: ON).

  • [Trap Setting when Authentication Fails]: When performing TRAP TX due to an authentication failure, set this option to ON (default: OFF).